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文章名称 第一作者 下载量
Phylogeny and biogeography of Sassafras (Lauraceae) disjunct between eastern Asia .. Nie, Z.-L. 1098
The causes of land-use and land-cover change: moving beyond the myths Lambin, EF 1097
In vitro propagation of four threatened Paphiopedilum species (Orchidaceae) Long, Bo 1030
New norsesquiterpenoids from Cucubalus baccifer Cheng, YX 939
Application of Computational Chemistry in Identification for Chiral Compounds Ren Jie 936
Synthesis and antitumor activity of novel N-substituted carbazole imidazolium salt.. Liu, Lan-Xiang 827
Impacts of hunting on tropical forests in Southeast Asia Harrison, Rhett D. 809
Role of transgenic plants in agriculture and biopharming Ahmad, Parvaiz 802
Terpenes from Eupatorium adenophorum and Their Allelopathic Effects on Arabidopsis.. Zhao, Xu 796
Synthesis and Bioactivity Evaluation of 3-Hydroxy-3-(phenylethynyl)indol-2-one Ana.. Chen, Gang 731
中国种子植物属的分布区类型 吴征镒 723
蜂房化学成分研究 何江波 702
桑叶活性黄酮Norartocarpetin的分离鉴定 徐立 699
Maxent modeling for predicting the potential distribution of medicinal plant, Just.. Yang, Xue-Qing 673
People's perception and socioeconomic determinants of soil erosion: A case study o.. Udayakumar, E. P. N. 672
A new ceramide from the basidiomycete Russula cyanoxantha Gao, JM 672
Molasses-based growth and production of oil and astaxanthin by Chlorella zofingien.. Liu, Jin 669
Taxonomic Reappraisal of Periconiaceae with the Description of Three New Periconia.. Yang, Er-Fu 649
Greenhouse gas emissions from nitrogen fertilizer use in China Kahrl, Fredrich 638
横断山区被子植物染色体研究概况 聂泽龙 633
Pharmacological evaluation of Alstonia scholaris: Anti-tussive, anti-asthmatic and.. Shang, Jian-Hua 625
Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants at periodic markets of Honghe Prefecture.. Lee, Sangwoo 600
Processing and chemical constituents of Pu-erh tea: A review Lv, Hai-peng 547
Forest transitions: towards a global understanding of land use change Rudel, TK 546
New isoprenylated flavones, artochamins A-E, and cytotoxic principles from Artocar.. Wang, YH 539
Synthesis and cytotoxic activity of novel hybrid compounds between 2-alkylbenzofur.. Wan, Wei-Chao 537
蓝色短波光培育水稻壮秧 倪文 533
Indole alkaloids from Ervatamia chinensis Guo, Ling-Li 528
Traditional plant use in the areas of Monte Vesole and Ascea, Cilento National Par.. Scherrer, AM 517
The Advances in the Limonoid Chemistry of the Meliaceae Family Fang, X. 512
Pharmacological evaluation of Alstonia scholaris: Anti-inflammatory and analgesic .. Shang, Jian-Hua 507
Multi-gene analysis provides a well-supported phylogeny of Rosales Zhang, Shu-dong 507
Trinorcucurbitane and cucurbitane triterpenoids from the roots of Momordica charan.. Chen, Jianchao 503
茶叶的分类与普洱茶的定义 杨崇仁 489
利用圆叶杨菌材栽培羊肚菌初报 程远辉 469
普洱茶的化学成分及生物活性研究进展 吕海鹏 463
Kuguacins F-S, cucurbitane triterpenoids from Momordica charantia Chen, Jian-Chao 462
Adapting cropping systems to climate change in Nepal: a cross-regional study of fa.. Manandhar, Sujata 445
The science and economics of ex situ plant conservation Li, De-Zhu 443
Molecular and morphological phylogeny of Menispermaceae (Ranunculales) Jacques, FMB 441
云南商品牛肝菌中易混淆毒牛肝系统学研究 李树红 437
叶绿体系统发育基因组学的研究进展 张韵洁 436
The genus Ficus (Moraceae) used in diet: Its plant diversity, distribution, tradit.. Shi, Yinxian 421
An ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used by the Lisu people in Nujiang, no.. Huang, J 414
Phytochemical and biological studies of Abies species Yang, Xian-Wen 413
三七总皂苷药理研究进展 乔春玲 410
A comparative study on medicinal plants used in Akha's traditional medicine in Chi.. Inta, Angkhana 406
Meliaceous Limonoids: Chemistry and Biological Activities Tan, Qin-Gang 405
Ethnobotanical studies on medicinal plants used by the Red-headed Yao People in Ji.. Long, CL 404
Complete assignment of H-1 and C-13 NMR data for nine protopanaxatriol glycosides Teng, RW 404
中国药用真菌名录及部分名称的修订 戴玉成 403
Antioxidant compounds from Rosa laevigata fruits Li, Xi 393
Cytotoxic indole alkaloids from the fruits of Melodinus cochinchinensis Shao, Shun 390
Application of a TLC chemical method to detection of cyclotides in plants Xu WenYan 389
Mekong Hydropower Development Grumbine, R. Edward 389
Inhibitory Activities of Pancreatic Lipase and Phosphodiesterase from Korean Medic.. Lee, Yun Mi 387
A geraniol-synthase gene from Cinnamomum tenuipilum Yang, T 383
The timing and the mode of evolution of wild grapes (Vitis) Zecca, Giovanni 383
Inhibition of COX-2 and activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor g.. Sun, Wei-Hao 379
Plant DNA barcoding in China Li, De-Zhu 379
Phylogenetic position of the genus Dobinea: Evidence from nucleotide sequences of .. Pan, Yue-Zhi 377
Involvements of H2O2 and metallothionein in NO-mediated tomato tolerance to copper.. Wang, Lina 377
Geological and ecological factors drive cryptic speciation of yews in a biodiversi.. Liu, Jie 377
People, money, and protected areas: the collection of the caterpillar mushroom Oph.. Weckerle 375
Volatile organic nitrogen-containing constituents in ambrette seed Abelmoschus mos.. Du, Zhizhi 375
Phenolic antioxidants from Chinese toon (fresh young leaves and shoots of Toona si.. Wang, Kai-Jin 374
Hyperisampsins N and O, two new benzoylated phloroglucinol derivatives from Hyperi.. Zhu, Hu-Cheng 369
抗肿瘤先导化合物S-3的研究 郝小江 367
Genetic diversity within and among populations of the endangered species Taxus fua.. Shah, Amin 365
New triterpenoid glycosides from Centella asiatica Jiang, ZY 364
Threats from India's Himalaya Dams Grumbine, R. Edward 364
Three new indole alkaloids from the leaves of Kopsia officinalis Zhou, H 362
Daphnane-type diterpene esters with cytotoxic and anti-HIV-1 activities from Daphn.. Huang, Sheng Zhuo 362
小金梅草化学成分研究(英文) 程忠泉 359
De Novo Sequencing and Characterization of the Floral Transcriptome of Dendrocalam.. Zhang, Xue-Mei 359
Phyllanemblinins A-F, new ellagitannins from Phyllanthus emblica Zhang, YJ 347
钼对滇重楼生长、养分和总皂甙含量的影响 何忠俊 347
Dolabellane diterpenoids from Aglaia odorata Cai, Xiang-Hai 343
Synthesis of cytotoxic sinapyl alcohol derivatives fromLigularia nelumbifolia Zhao, Y 341
Isolation and characterization of cytotoxic cyclotides from Viola tricolor Tang, Jun 341
金锦香的化学成分研究 程忠泉 338
The genus Heimioporus in China Zeng, Nian-Kai 335
物种——老问题新看法 杨永 334
Antifungal activity of eucalyptus-derived phenolics against postharvest pathogens .. Oh, Soon-Ok 332
Limonoids from the leaves of Toona ciliata var. yunnanensis Liu, Jie-Qing 332
Michael Addition between Isatin and Acrylate Derivatives Chen, Gang 326
2D-and 3D-QSAR studies on 54 anti-tumor Rubiaceae-type cyclopeptides Yan, He 323
绿豆化学成分及生物活性研究进展 刘定梅 323
KIB空中视野 杨云珊 322
Study on solid phase extraction and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometr.. Yang, Guangyu 320
Cytotoxic cycloartane triterpenes from the roots of Cimicifuga heracleifolia Nian, Yin 320
Participatory technology development for incorporating non-timber forest products .. He, Jun 319
Chloroplast phylogeny and phylogeography of Stellera chamaejasme on the Qinghai-Ti.. Zhang, Yong-Hong 319
黑柄炭角菌的化学成分 杨小龙 319
The processing of Panax notoginseng and the transformation of its saponin componen.. Wang, Dong 319
Triterpenoids from the stems of Kadsura ananosma Yang, Jian-Hong 318
Chemical Constituents and Bioactivities of Plants from the Genus Paeonia Wu, Shao-Hua 317
Morphological and molecular evidence of natural hybridization between two distantl.. Zha, Hong-Guang 316
Bioactive flavones and biflavones from Selaginella moellendorffii Hieron Cao, Yuan 314
Chlorantholides A-F, eudesmane-type sesquiterpene lactones from Chloranthus elatio.. Wang, Fei 314
全部 所外 国外
文章名称 第一作者 下载量
绿豆化学成分及生物活性研究进展 刘定梅 89
三七总皂苷药理研究进展 乔春玲 84
叶绿体系统发育基因组学的研究进展 张韵洁 82
寄生植物的生物学特性及生态学效应 黄新亚 80
植物DNA条形码技术的发展及应用 刘宇婧 79
经典植物分类学的发展与iFlora 方伟 73
云南黄连的传统种植及其在生物多样性保护中的价值 黄骥 68
超临界CO_2萃取在天然产物提取中的应用 倪志伟 66
生态水文学的学科研究动态及在中国的发展方向 高富 65
红豆杉生物工程的研究进展 甘烦远 61
西双版纳竹楼的发展 杨宇明 60
植物光合系统对高温胁迫的响应机制 唐婷 57
石斛的历史、分布与功能 周俊* 57
花色多样性与变异的研究进展 汤晓辛 57
食用菌遗传育种及种质鉴定研究进展 陈娟 54
天然香料的化学结构和功能研究进展 邱明华* 53
叶绿体系统发育基因组学的研究进展 张韵洁 53
脱落酸在植物花发育过程中的作用 徐平珍 51
植物熏香的起源、发展及功能 张红霞 50
关于我国民族药研究与新药开发的探讨(上) 裴盛基 49
Bcl-2家族蛋白调控线粒体膜通透性和细胞色素C释放的新机制 朱玉山 48
基于DNA分子标记的花粉流动态分析 周伟 46
云南省国家级和省级自然保护区森林生态服务功能价值评估 华朝朗 46
杜鹃属的系统发育与进化 闵天禄 45
茶叶的分类与普洱茶的定义 杨崇仁 44
苦参化学成分和药理研究现状 张少少 43
充分利用天然药物资源,发展云南天然药物 孙汉董 43
强心苷中毒机制及规避措施 邱碧丽 42
水平基因转移在生物进化中的作用 王洽 42
Application of Computational Chemistry in Identification for Chiral Compounds Ren Jie 41
昆虫蜕皮物质,在生命活动中扮演什么角色? 邱明华 41
生物柴油生产及其理论和实践 邱明华 41
人参皂苷Rh_1的药理作用研究进展 丁艳芬 41
气候变化对云南省水资源影响研究进展综述 马杏 40
被子植物花粉颜色多样性研究、应用与展望 张飞飞 40
外生菌根研究及应用的回顾与展望 于富强 39
云南传统食用植物海菜花(Ottelia acuminata)的民族植物学研究 蒋柱檀 38
滇西北高山流石滩植物多样性 邓敏 38
云南紫草资源的开发利用 周立刚 38
种子休眠机理研究概述 唐安军 37
温里药的研究进展 李曦 36
苦木科植物化学成分及生物活性研究进展 王琦 36
昆明山海棠抗生育活性提取物TH5对雄性大鼠性行为与血清性?… 周激文 36
云南金平瑶族医药初探 李嵘 36
中缅八角化学成分研究 王佳平 36
A global phylogeny of Lycopodiaceae Lycopodiales; lycophytes) with the description.. Chen 36
青藏高原植物资源与种子库建设 孙航 35
我国胡椒属植物区系地理研究 郝朝运 35
高山植物对全球气候变暖的响应研究进展 陈建国 34
板蓝根的化学成分研究 左 丽 34
人参细胞大量培养的研究 周立刚 34
而立之年的寄语——贺《云南植物研究》创刊30周年 吕春朝 34
片断化生境中滇桐传粉生物学和繁育系统 高则睿 34
利血平(Reserpine)药物资源研究与开发现状 李智敏 33
鱼腥草的化学成分研究 王利勤 33
基于遥感的泾河流域日蒸散量估算 董国涛 33
蓖麻SnRK2基因家族的鉴定和特征分析 敖涛 33
Complete chloroplast genomes of ten species from subgenus Allium Allium, Amaryllid.. Munavvarov 33
多氧芳香型三环二萜化合物全合成研究进展 潘鑫复 32
云南高黎贡山北段植物物种多样性的垂直分布格局 徐成东 32
关于植物DNA条形码研究技术规范 高连明 31
中国外来入侵植物研究现状及存在的问题 闫小玲 31
八角莲属药用植物化学成分及生理活性研究进展 赵立春 30
物种——老问题新看法 杨永 30
人参属植物的悬浮培养及次生代谢调控的研究进展 朱宏涛 30
茶氨酸和没食子酸在普洱茶中的含量变化 折改梅 30
能源植物小桐子的利用与研究进展 王岩 30
侗族及彝族传统医药研究进展 赵丹华 29
油莎豆资源的综合开发利用 瞿萍梅 29
Progresses of Diaryliodonium Salts in Organic Reactions Xiao Zhichao 29
天然产物的绝对构型研究(Ⅰ)——通过比较旋光和碳谱的实验值与计算值确定酮类、内酯类和.. 沈岚 28
云南山茶三个园艺品种光合生理特性的研究 杨颖婕 常玮 胡虹 28
碳酸酐酶Ⅱ及其抑制剂研究进展 曾广智 28
应用核磁共振测定有机化合物绝对构型的方法 沈平 28
从文献情报分析看iFlora的发展趋势 杨雅 28
叶表皮蜡质纹饰特征的种内变异——以青藏高原地区的紫花针茅和小叶棘豆为例 王东超 28
中国栎属(壳斗科)基于叶表皮及叶结构特征的分支分析 普春霞 27
龟背竹的快速繁殖 林德辉 27
云南金丝桃属植物资源的调查研究 李景秀 26
探讨种间传粉在杜鹃花属自然杂交物种形成中的作用 张敬丽 26
药物联合植物性护肤品治疗多形性日光疹48例疗效观察 李思彤 26
Progress of Cyclotides in Plants Tang Jun 25
栎属高山栎组植物化石推测青藏高原的隆起 周浙昆 25
一些重要天然活性环肽化学和生物活性研究进展 许文彦 25
DNA条形码在生态学研究中的应用与展望 罗亚皇 25
喜盐鸢尾种子休眠与萌发特性初步研究 卓露 25
穿心草属药用植物研究进展 黄焜慧 25
昆明植物园科普旅游开发SWOT分析及对策 李朝仙 24
生物转化及其在药物合成上的应用 赵丙勇 24
中药复方研究中的几个关键性问题——中医现代化思路探索 程永现 24
槭属的系统演化与地理分布 徐廷志 24
竹类与民族植物学:传统知识系统的应用研究 王慷林 24
遗传信息及其获取技术与iFlora 李洪涛 24
Cheliensisin A Inhibits EGF-Induced Cell Transformation with Stabilization of p53 .. Zhang, Jingjie 24
六个核基因片段在中国颗粒野生稻中的单核苷酸多态性及其在群体遗传学研究中的应用 吴春燕 24
中国重楼资源现状评价及其种植业的发展对策 李恒 24
Two new species of Boletopsis Bankeraceae, Thelephorales) from Southwest China Zhou 24
位置效应对喉毛花(龙胆科)的花特征和繁殖成功的影响 张婵 23
植物环肽 谭宁华 23
中国芋种质资源的遗传多样性及分类研究 李庆典 23
全部 所外 国外
文章名称 第一作者 下载量
普洱茶的化学成分及生物活性研究进展 吕海鹏 10
Adaptive innovation of green plants by horizontal gene transfer Chen,Rujia 9
Active metabolic pathways of anaerobic methane oxidation in paddy soils Fan,Lichao 9
绿豆化学成分及生物活性研究进展 刘定梅 8
IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 25 [extended online version] An'kova, Tatyana V. 8
Camellia renshanxiangiae, a synonym of C. punctata (Theaceae) Zhang,Ya-li 7
Fungal diversity notes 1151-1276: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on gene.. Hyde, Kevin D. 6
Pangenome analysis provides insight into the evolution of the orange subfamily and.. Huang,Yue 6
寄生植物的生物学特性及生态学效应 黄新亚 5
板蓝根的化学成分研究 左 丽 5
花色多样性与变异的研究进展 汤晓辛 5
High quality genome of Erigeron breviscapus provides a reference for herbal plants.. He, Simei 5
Collective forest tenure reform and forest conditions: evidence from the social-ec.. Li,Wenqing 5
Celastrol as an intestinal FXR inhibitor triggers tripolide-induced intestinal ble.. Dai,Manyun 5
强心苷中毒机制及规避措施 邱碧丽 4
云南黄连的传统种植及其在生物多样性保护中的价值 黄骥 4
植物光合系统对高温胁迫的响应机制 唐婷 4
叶绿体系统发育基因组学的研究进展 张韵洁 4
A mycorrhizae-like gene regulates stem cell and gametophore development in mosses Wang, Shuanghua 4
Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa Wijayawardene, N. N. 4
Antimelanogenic Effect of Isoquinoline Alkaloids from Plumula Nelumbinis Chen,Yi-Chi 4
Integrating morphology, molecular phylogeny and chemotaxonomy for the most effecti.. Zhang,Xuejia 4
Molecular techniques revolutionize knowledge of basidiomycete evolution Yang, Zhu L. 3
贵州桂花净油的化学成分 巫华美 3
昆虫蜕皮物质,在生命活动中扮演什么角色? 邱明华 3
茉莉花的化学成分 刘海洋 3
生物柴油生产及其理论和实践 邱明华 3
种子休眠机理研究概述 唐安军 3
西双版纳竹楼的发展 杨宇明 3
五种野生观赏报春花引种驯化初报 张长芹 3
Typification of Tuber formosanum (Tuberaceae, Pezizales, Ascomycota) from Taiwan, .. Qiao, Peng 3
Russula atroaeruginea and R.sichuanensis spp.nov.from southwest China Li, Guo-Jie 3
Revision of Phaeosphaeriaceae Phookamsak, Rungtiwa 3
Fatty acid-amino acid conjugates are essential for systemic activation of salicyli.. Hettenhausen 3
Autotetraploid rice methylome analysis reveals methylation variation of transposab.. Zhang, Jie 3
Habitat, climate and potential plant food resources for the late Miocene Shuitangb.. Huang, Yong-Jiang 3
First fossil of Pterolobium (Leguminosae) from the Middle Miocene Yunnan, South Ch.. Jia, Lin-Bo 3
Fungal diversity notes 491-602: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal.. Tibpromma, Saowaluck 3
Gradual expansion of moisture sensitive Abies spectabilis forest in the Trans-Hima.. Tiwari, Achyut 3
Two new species of Xanthagaricus and some notes on Heinemannomyces from Asia Hosen, Md. Iqbal 3
Paris qiliangiana (Melanthiaceae), a new species from Hubei, China Yang, Jun 3
Panax species identification with the assistance of DNA data Zhou, Mingmei 3
植物熏香的起源、发展及功能 张红霞 3
Prevalence of isomeric plastomes and effectiveness of plastome super-barcodes in y.. Fu, Chao-Nan 3
Tree-ring delta O-18 inferred spring drought variability over the past 200 years i.. Zhao, Fan 3
Converting forests into rubber plantations weakened the soil CH4 sink in tropical .. Lang, Rong 3
Species diversity and spatial distribution of Begonia L. (Begonificeae) in the Daw.. Chen, Wen-Hong 3
Morphology and Multi-Gene Phylogeny Reveal Pestalotiopsis pinicola sp. nov. and a .. Tibpromma, Saowaluck 3
A polyphasic approach to delineate species in Bipolaris Bhunjun 3
Genomic Characterization and Expression Analysis of Basic Helix-Loop-Helix (bHLH) .. Wang, Yue 3
Fungal diversity notes 1277-1386: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fung.. Yuan, Hai-Sheng 3
Multi-Gene Phylogeny and Morphology Reveal Haplohelminthosporium gen. nov. and Hel.. Konta,Sirinapa 3
New Eocene fossil fruits and leaves of Menispermaceae from the central Tibetan Pla.. Del Rio,Cedric 3
Kaziboletus, a new boletoid genus of Boletaceae associated with Shorea robusta in .. Hosen,Md Iqbal 3
Tagitinin C induces ferroptosis through PERK-Nrf2-HO-1 signaling pathway in colore.. Wei,Ruiran 3
Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau: a mycological hotspot Wijayawardene 3
Plastome phylogenomics and biogeography of the subfam. Polygonoideae (Polygonaceae.. Zhang, Huajie 3
Quantitative Succinyl-Proteome Profiling of Turnip (Brassica rapa var. rapa) in Re.. Li, Xiong 3
Three out of one: revising the species delimitation of the tree fern Gymnosphaera .. Li, Shu-Han 3
Oligosaccharide Blocks PAR1 (Proteinase-Activated Receptor 1)-PAR4-Mediated Platel.. Li,Sujuan 3
Genome skimming as an efficient tool for authenticating commercial products of the.. Zhou,Nian 3
Phylogeny and Morphology of Novel Species and New Collections Related to Sarcoscyp.. Zeng,Ming 3
Predicting Habitat Suitability and Adaptation Strategies of an Endangered Endemic .. Rong,Shutian 3
Integrating Metabolomics and Proteomics Technologies Provides Insights into the Fl.. Li,Zelin 3
Five new and noteworthy species of Epidendroideae (Orchidaceae) from southwestern .. Ya,Ji-Dong 3
Saxifraga cataphracta (Saxifragaceae), a new species from Southwest China Zhang,Xin-Jian 3
Phylogenomic insights into the origin and evolutionary history of evergreen broadl.. Qin,Sheng-Yuan 3
The diversity of mycorrhiza-associated fungi and trees shapes subtropical mountain.. Luo,Ya-Huang 3
Metabolomics Reveals Gut Microbiota Contribute to PPARα Deficiency-Induced Alcoho.. Zhang,Ting 3
Phytochemical Analysis and Anti-Ascaris suum Activity of Different Zanthoxylum Spe.. Wang,Zhao-Jie 3
A global phylogeny of grammitid ferns (Polypodiaceae) and its systematic implicati.. Zhou,Xin-Mao 3
Trigonochinene E promotes lysosomal biogenesis and enhances autophagy via TFEB/TFE.. Niu,Zhenpeng 3
Haplotype-resolved genomes of wild octoploid progenitors illuminate genomic divers.. Jin,Xin 3
Dual roles of fucoidan-GPIbα interaction in thrombosis and hemostasis: implicatio.. Shen,Chuanbin 3
Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of artemyrianolide H derivatives as p.. Li,Tian-Ze 3
Tripterygium wilfordii protects against an animal model of autoimmune hepatitis Zhang,Ting 3
Euphejolkinolide A, a new ent-abietane lactone from Euphorbia peplus L. with promi.. Ran,Xiaoqian 3
Comparative chloroplast genome analyses of Paraboea (Gesneriaceae): Insights into .. Wang, Yifei 3
Two new ent-kaurane diterpenoids from Isodon excisoides Zhang, Ji Xia 2
Nitric Oxide Enhances Desiccation Tolerance of Recalcitrant Antiaris toxicaria See.. Bai, Xuegui 2
Schisandra macrocarpa (Schisandraceae), a New Species from Yunnan Province, China Lin, Qi 2
Synthesis of cytotoxic sinapyl alcohol derivatives fromLigularia nelumbifolia Zhao, Y 2
Two new germacranolides from Magnolia grandiflora Wu, SH 2
Tetranortriterpenoids from the Leaves of Cipadessa cinerascens Fang, Xin 2
Application of Computational Chemistry in Identification for Chiral Compounds Ren Jie 2
Progress of Cyclotides in Plants Tang Jun 2
八角莲属药用植物化学成分及生理活性研究进展 赵立春 2
丽江塔城地区云南红豆杉内生真菌的多样性研究 郑法新 2
杠杆状雄蕊及其进化生态学意义 张勃 2
元谋栽培印楝枝叶化学成分研究 陈进雄 2
Bcl-2家族蛋白调控线粒体膜通透性和细胞色素C释放的新机制 朱玉山 2
云南木瓜属(Chaenomeles Lindl.)植物的民族植物学初步研究 高富 2
长毛香薷的生药学研究及4种香薷显微鉴别性状比较 普春霞 2
粉花绣线菊复合群中二萜成分的化学研究 郝小江 2
江西青牛胆的化学成分 李泓波 2
苦木科植物化学成分及生物活性研究进展 王琦 2
碳酸酐酶Ⅱ及其抑制剂研究进展 曾广智 2
鱼腥草的化学成分研究 王利勤 2
一些东亚特有种子植物的化石历史及其植物地理学意义 周浙昆 2
青藏高原隆起和高山栎组(壳斗科)分布的关系 周浙昆 2