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Phylogeny and biogeography of Sassafras (Lauraceae) disjunct between eastern Asia .. Nie, Z.-L. 1172
In vitro propagation of four threatened Paphiopedilum species (Orchidaceae) Long, Bo 1117
Application of Computational Chemistry in Identification for Chiral Compounds Ren Jie 1116
The causes of land-use and land-cover change: moving beyond the myths Lambin, EF 1101
New norsesquiterpenoids from Cucubalus baccifer Cheng, YX 1024
Terpenes from Eupatorium adenophorum and Their Allelopathic Effects on Arabidopsis.. Zhao, Xu 950
Synthesis and antitumor activity of novel N-substituted carbazole imidazolium salt.. Liu, Lan-Xiang 923
Impacts of hunting on tropical forests in Southeast Asia Harrison, Rhett D. 885
Role of transgenic plants in agriculture and biopharming Ahmad, Parvaiz 871
中国种子植物属的分布区类型 吴征镒 840
Synthesis and Bioactivity Evaluation of 3-Hydroxy-3-(phenylethynyl)indol-2-one Ana.. Chen, Gang 735
Taxonomic Reappraisal of Periconiaceae with the Description of Three New Periconia.. Yang, Er-Fu 723
蜂房化学成分研究 何江波 712
Maxent modeling for predicting the potential distribution of medicinal plant, Just.. Yang, Xue-Qing 708
桑叶活性黄酮Norartocarpetin的分离鉴定 徐立 705
Molasses-based growth and production of oil and astaxanthin by Chlorella zofingien.. Liu, Jin 678
A new ceramide from the basidiomycete Russula cyanoxantha Gao, JM 677
普洱茶的化学成分及生物活性研究进展 吕海鹏 677
People's perception and socioeconomic determinants of soil erosion: A case study o.. Udayakumar, E. P. N. 675
Greenhouse gas emissions from nitrogen fertilizer use in China Kahrl, Fredrich 645
横断山区被子植物染色体研究概况 聂泽龙 643
Pharmacological evaluation of Alstonia scholaris: Anti-tussive, anti-asthmatic and.. Shang, Jian-Hua 629
Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants at periodic markets of Honghe Prefecture.. Lee, Sangwoo 625
强心苷中毒机制及规避措施 邱碧丽 558
New isoprenylated flavones, artochamins A-E, and cytotoxic principles from Artocar.. Wang, YH 554
Forest transitions: towards a global understanding of land use change Rudel, TK 552
Processing and chemical constituents of Pu-erh tea: A review Lv, Hai-peng 549
Synthesis and cytotoxic activity of novel hybrid compounds between 2-alkylbenzofur.. Wan, Wei-Chao 541
蓝色短波光培育水稻壮秧 倪文 536
Indole alkaloids from Ervatamia chinensis Guo, Ling-Li 535
Traditional plant use in the areas of Monte Vesole and Ascea, Cilento National Par.. Scherrer, AM 527
叶绿体系统发育基因组学的研究进展 张韵洁 527
The Advances in the Limonoid Chemistry of the Meliaceae Family Fang, X. 522
绿豆化学成分及生物活性研究进展 刘定梅 517
Multi-gene analysis provides a well-supported phylogeny of Rosales Zhang, Shu-dong 516
Trinorcucurbitane and cucurbitane triterpenoids from the roots of Momordica charan.. Chen, Jianchao 512
三七总皂苷药理研究进展 乔春玲 510
Pharmacological evaluation of Alstonia scholaris: Anti-inflammatory and analgesic .. Shang, Jian-Hua 509
The science and economics of ex situ plant conservation Li, De-Zhu 501
茶叶的分类与普洱茶的定义 杨崇仁 496
Synthesis of cytotoxic sinapyl alcohol derivatives fromLigularia nelumbifolia Zhao, Y 475
利用圆叶杨菌材栽培羊肚菌初报 程远辉 474
Kuguacins F-S, cucurbitane triterpenoids from Momordica charantia Chen, Jian-Chao 467
Adapting cropping systems to climate change in Nepal: a cross-regional study of fa.. Manandhar, Sujata 456
Molecular and morphological phylogeny of Menispermaceae (Ranunculales) Jacques, FMB 445
Geological and ecological factors drive cryptic speciation of yews in a biodiversi.. Liu, Jie 444
云南商品牛肝菌中易混淆毒牛肝系统学研究 李树红 442
The genus Ficus (Moraceae) used in diet: Its plant diversity, distribution, tradit.. Shi, Yinxian 425
An ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used by the Lisu people in Nujiang, no.. Huang, J 419
Cheliensisin A Inhibits EGF-Induced Cell Transformation with Stabilization of p53 .. Zhang, Jingjie 419
寄生植物的生物学特性及生态学效应 黄新亚 417
Phytochemical and biological studies of Abies species Yang, Xian-Wen 416
中国药用真菌名录及部分名称的修订 戴玉成 414
A comparative study on medicinal plants used in Akha's traditional medicine in Chi.. Inta, Angkhana 412
Ethnobotanical studies on medicinal plants used by the Red-headed Yao People in Ji.. Long, CL 409
Complete assignment of H-1 and C-13 NMR data for nine protopanaxatriol glycosides Teng, RW 409
Meliaceous Limonoids: Chemistry and Biological Activities Tan, Qin-Gang 408
Antioxidant compounds from Rosa laevigata fruits Li, Xi 402
食用菌遗传育种及种质鉴定研究进展 陈娟 400
Mekong Hydropower Development Grumbine, R. Edward 397
Cytotoxic indole alkaloids from the fruits of Melodinus cochinchinensis Shao, Shun 396
Application of a TLC chemical method to detection of cyclotides in plants Xu WenYan 395
Inhibitory Activities of Pancreatic Lipase and Phosphodiesterase from Korean Medic.. Lee, Yun Mi 395
Plant DNA barcoding in China Li, De-Zhu 394
A geraniol-synthase gene from Cinnamomum tenuipilum Yang, T 392
The timing and the mode of evolution of wild grapes (Vitis) Zecca, Giovanni 391
Inhibition of COX-2 and activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor g.. Sun, Wei-Hao 386
种子休眠机理研究概述 唐安军 386
People, money, and protected areas: the collection of the caterpillar mushroom Oph.. Weckerle 384
Involvements of H2O2 and metallothionein in NO-mediated tomato tolerance to copper.. Wang, Lina 384
超临界CO_2萃取在天然产物提取中的应用 倪志伟 383
Phylogenetic position of the genus Dobinea: Evidence from nucleotide sequences of .. Pan, Yue-Zhi 382
Phenolic antioxidants from Chinese toon (fresh young leaves and shoots of Toona si.. Wang, Kai-Jin 379
Volatile organic nitrogen-containing constituents in ambrette seed Abelmoschus mos.. Du, Zhizhi 378
应用核磁共振测定有机化合物绝对构型的方法 沈平 378
抗肿瘤先导化合物S-3的研究 郝小江 374
Hyperisampsins N and O, two new benzoylated phloroglucinol derivatives from Hyperi.. Zhu, Hu-Cheng 374
Genetic diversity within and among populations of the endangered species Taxus fua.. Shah, Amin 373
New triterpenoid glycosides from Centella asiatica Jiang, ZY 371
植物光合系统对高温胁迫的响应机制 唐婷 371
Daphnane-type diterpene esters with cytotoxic and anti-HIV-1 activities from Daphn.. Huang, Sheng Zhuo 369
Threats from India's Himalaya Dams Grumbine, R. Edward 368
De Novo Sequencing and Characterization of the Floral Transcriptome of Dendrocalam.. Zhang, Xue-Mei 367
Three new indole alkaloids from the leaves of Kopsia officinalis Zhou, H 366
小金梅草化学成分研究(英文) 程忠泉 364
天然香料的化学结构和功能研究进展 邱明华* 364
昆虫蜕皮物质,在生命活动中扮演什么角色? 邱明华 360
云南传统食用植物海菜花(Ottelia acuminata)的民族植物学研究 蒋柱檀 359
石斛的历史、分布与功能 周俊* 359
Phyllanemblinins A-F, new ellagitannins from Phyllanthus emblica Zhang, YJ 357
钼对滇重楼生长、养分和总皂甙含量的影响 何忠俊 351
Dolabellane diterpenoids from Aglaia odorata Cai, Xiang-Hai 349
The genus Heimioporus in China Zeng, Nian-Kai 347
Isolation and characterization of cytotoxic cyclotides from Viola tricolor Tang, Jun 346
苦参化学成分和药理研究现状 张少少 346
物种——老问题新看法 杨永 343
金锦香的化学成分研究 程忠泉 341
鸡血藤的品种与考证 郑立雄 340
Antifungal activity of eucalyptus-derived phenolics against postharvest pathogens .. Oh, Soon-Ok 339
Chemical Constituents and Bioactivities of Plants from the Genus Paeonia Wu, Shao-Hua 339
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文章名称 第一作者 下载量
Synthesis of cytotoxic sinapyl alcohol derivatives fromLigularia nelumbifolia Zhao, Y 25
蕨类植物的用途 武素功 23
Terpenes from Eupatorium adenophorum and Their Allelopathic Effects on Arabidopsis.. Zhao, Xu 21
治疗艾滋病的中西药物比较 罗士德 18
Origin of angiosperms and the puzzle of the Jurassic gap Li, Hong-Tao 18
普洱茶的化学成分及生物活性研究进展 吕海鹏 16
Taxonomic Novelties of Woody Litter Fungi (Didymosphaeriaceae, Pleosporales) from .. Ren, Guangcong 15
天然香料的化学结构和功能研究进展 邱明华* 13
竹类与民族植物学:传统知识系统的应用研究 王慷林 12
Cheliensisin A Inhibits EGF-Induced Cell Transformation with Stabilization of p53 .. Zhang, Jingjie 12
民族文化与生物多样性保护 裴盛基 11
寄生植物的生物学特性及生态学效应 黄新亚 11
MS1516是拟南芥四分体形成和小孢子发育的必需基因 赵先玲 10
A Network Pharmacology-Based Study on the Hepatoprotective Effect of Fructus Schis.. Hong, Ming 9
A new combination and a new synonym of Gesneriaceae in China Li,Zheng-Long 9
Discovery and Biosynthetic Origin of Quinolizidomycins A and B, Two Quinolizidine .. He,Xin 9
一些东亚特有种子植物的化石历史及其植物地理学意义 周浙昆 8
生命条形码与生命之树 陈之端 8
The oriental armyworm (Mythimna separata) feeding induces systemic defence respons.. Malook, Saif ul 8
Four meroterpenoids from Alternaria alternata isolated from Paeonia lactiflora Wang, Ju-Tao 8
Age-related differences in physiological and metabolic responses of Pleione aurita.. Zhang,Wei 8
Taxonomic significance of leaf anatomy of Aniselytron (Poaceae) as an evidence to .. Ma, HY 7
七种灯台报春组植物的细胞学研究 申敏 7
A new species of a bluing Psilocybe from Asia (Basidiomycota, Agaricales, Strophar.. Guzman, Gaston 7
野八角茎叶化学成分研究 柳继锋 7
Morphological and molecular evidence for natural hybridization in sympatric popula.. Du, Guang-Hui 7
(+/-)-Aspongamide A, an N-Acetyldopamine Trimer Isolated from the Insect Aspongopu.. Yan, Yong-Ming 7
The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Leersia perrieri of the rice tribe Ory.. Hutang, Ge-Ran 7
叶绿体系统发育基因组学的研究进展 张韵洁 7
Recombinant polyphenol oxidases for production of theaflavins from tea polyphenols Zeng, Jun 7
Cytochalasans from the Endophytic Fungus Phomopsis sp. shj2 and Their Antimigrator.. Yan, Bing-Chao 7
A novel hydnoid species of Hydnellum (Bankeraceae, Thelephorales) from southwest C.. Lei,Lei 7
A new abietane diterpene from Glyptostrobus pensilis Zhang, Yu-Mei 6
Melohenines A and B, Two Unprecedented Alkaloids from Melodinus henryi Feng, Tao 6
番茄茎腺毛差异表达序列分离与分析 李婉莎 6
苦木科植物化学成分及生物活性研究进展 王琦 6
丽江紫堇的新生物碱 罗士德 6
檬果樟属的分类与分布兼论这一分布区类型的特征 李锡文 6
当归属植物的研究进展 陈江弢 6
喜马拉雅灰包菇SecotiumhimalaicumZangetDoi杂记 臧穆 6
Strobilomyces echinocephalus sp nov (Boletales) from south-western China, and a ke.. Gelardi, Matteo 6
Hyperuralones A and B, New Acylphloroglucinol Derivatives with Intricately Caged C.. Zhang, Jing-Jing 6
Anti-apoptotic activity of Bak Foong Pills and its ingredients on 6-hydroxydopamin.. Jia, RR 6
The genus Bulbothrix (Parmeliaceae) in China Zhang, Yan Yun 6
Divergence in Eco-Physiological Responses to Drought Mirrors the Distinct Distribu.. Guo, Wen 6
Species diversity, distribution patterns, and substrate specificity of Strobilurus Qin, Jiao 6
Tree-ring delta O-18 inferred spring drought variability over the past 200 years i.. Zhao, Fan 6
Geophysical, evolutionary and ecological processes interact to drive phylogenetic .. Qian, Hong 6
The complete plastome of Gymnotheca chinensis (Saururaceae) and its phylogenetic a.. Jin, Lei 6
Tacamine-type alkaloids from Tabernaemontana bovina together with their configurat.. Yu, Yang 6
Arabidopsis thaliana Plants Engineered To Produce Astaxanthin Show Enhanced Oxidat.. Yu, Lujun 6
Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of Neolamarckia cadamba and its bioacti.. Yuan, Hai-Lian 6
Community Composition, Antifungal Activity and Chemical Analyses of Ant-Derived Ac.. Wang, Zhiyan 6
Phyllanacidins A-C, three new cleistanthane diterpenoids from Phyllanthus acidus a.. Geng,Hui-Chun 6
The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Metabriggsia ovalifolia W. T. Wang (Ge.. Tian,Xiaoling 6
Plastid phylogenomic analyses of Fagales reveal signatures of conflict and ancient.. Yang,Ying-Ying 6
Pharmacological effects of indole alkaloids from Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br. on.. Zhao,Yun-Li 6
Diversity and Function of Appressoria Chethana 6
Biomimetic Synthesis of Lavandiolides H, I, and K and Artematrolide F via Diels-Al.. Li,Tian-Ze 6
Fruits of Firmiana and Craigia (Malvaceae) from the Eocene of the Central Tibetan .. Del Rio, Cedric 6
Rapid Genome Evolution and Adaptation of Thlaspi arvense Mediated by Recurrent RNA.. Hu, Yanting 6
Alisol B Alleviates Hepatocyte Lipid Accumulation and Lipotoxicity via Regulating .. Zhao, Zhuohui 6
Defensive Specialized Metabolites from the Latex of Euphorbia jolkinii Luo,Shihong 6
Matrine-Type Alkaloids with Anti-Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus Activity from the Root .. Zhao,Li-Hua 6
Humulane-type sesquiterpenoids from the mushroom Lactarius mitissimus Luo, Du-Qiang 5
Paxiphyllines a and b, new alkaloids from Daphniphyllum paxianum Zhang, Yu 5
The ethnobotany of Musella lasiocarpa (Musaceae), an endemic plant of southwest Ch.. Liu, AZ 5
Phylogeny of Nolana (Solanaceae) of the Atacama and Peruvian deserts inferred from.. Tu, Tieyao 5
A new antitumour ansamitocin from Actinosynnema pretiosum Wei, Guo-Zhu 5
Novel Cyclic Hexapeptides from Marine-Derived Fungus, Aspergillus sclerotiorum PT0.. Zheng, Jinkai 5
Five new C-21 steroidal glycosides from Cynanchum komarovii Al. Iljinski Wang, LQ 5
Two New Diterpenoid Lactams from Spiraea japonica var. ovalifolia Liu, Hai-Yang 5
Bioactive flavones and biflavones from Selaginella moellendorffii Hieron Cao, Yuan 5
A novel cardiac glycoside from Parepigynum funingesis Cao, JX 5
Structure-activity relationships study of 6-chloro-4-(2-chlorophenyl)-3-(2-hydroxy.. Guo, Rui-Hua 5
酸模属植物研究进展 张兰胜 5
In vitro Anti-viral Activity of the Total Alkaloids from Tripterygium hypoglaucum .. Zhe REN 5
云南小桐子资源调查与评价 王曦 5
生态水文学的学科研究动态及在中国的发展方向 高富 5
金铁锁鲨烯合酶cDNA的克隆和功能鉴定 戴住波 5
藏药翁布的黄酮类化学成分研究 喇晓琴 5
中国油橄榄适生区研究 施宗明 5
海南狗牙花吲哚生物碱成分的分离与鉴定 郭伶俐 5
普洱茶的香气成分 周志宏 5
四种药用地衣的化学成分 孙汉董 5
试谈我国鹅膏菌的分类研究 杨祝良 5
无量山半湿润常绿阔叶林的区系特征及保护生物学意义 彭华 5
云南生物资源开发的若干意见 吴征镒 5
睡莲科中的三属植物与龙胆科中的莕菜的花柄比较解剖学研究 胡光万 5
板蓝根的化学成分研究 左 丽 5
四个DNA片段在山茶属分子系统学研究中的应用 杨俊波 5
超临界CO_2萃取在天然产物提取中的应用 倪志伟 5
增强UV-B辐射与不同水平氮素对谷子(Setaria italica(L.)Beauv.)叶片保护物质及保.. 方兴 5
Three new diterpenes from Jatropha curcas Jie-Qing Liu 5
云南高原湖泊水生植被的研究 李恒 5
意大利油橄榄考察记要及云南油橄榄发展途径 施宗明 5
云南纤维植物资源利用及其评价 陶德定 5
猪油果脂的甘油三酯组成 王惠英 5
九种金花茶种皮的电镜扫描观察 张文驹 5
中国种子植物区系统计分析 李锡文 5
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文章名称 第一作者 下载量
蕨类植物的用途 武素功 21
治疗艾滋病的中西药物比较 罗士德 18
普洱茶的化学成分及生物活性研究进展 吕海鹏 15
Taxonomic Novelties of Woody Litter Fungi (Didymosphaeriaceae, Pleosporales) from .. Ren, Guangcong 15
Synthesis of cytotoxic sinapyl alcohol derivatives fromLigularia nelumbifolia Zhao, Y 13
Terpenes from Eupatorium adenophorum and Their Allelopathic Effects on Arabidopsis.. Zhao, Xu 12
民族文化与生物多样性保护 裴盛基 11
天然香料的化学结构和功能研究进展 邱明华* 11
寄生植物的生物学特性及生态学效应 黄新亚 9
一些东亚特有种子植物的化石历史及其植物地理学意义 周浙昆 8
The oriental armyworm (Mythimna separata) feeding induces systemic defence respons.. Malook, Saif ul 8
MS1516是拟南芥四分体形成和小孢子发育的必需基因 赵先玲 8
A new combination and a new synonym of Gesneriaceae in China Li,Zheng-Long 8
竹类与民族植物学:传统知识系统的应用研究 王慷林 7
A Network Pharmacology-Based Study on the Hepatoprotective Effect of Fructus Schis.. Hong, Ming 7
Discovery and Biosynthetic Origin of Quinolizidomycins A and B, Two Quinolizidine .. He,Xin 7
番茄茎腺毛差异表达序列分离与分析 李婉莎 6
丽江紫堇的新生物碱 罗士德 6
檬果樟属的分类与分布兼论这一分布区类型的特征 李锡文 6
当归属植物的研究进展 陈江弢 6
A new species of a bluing Psilocybe from Asia (Basidiomycota, Agaricales, Strophar.. Guzman, Gaston 6
Morphological and molecular evidence for natural hybridization in sympatric popula.. Du, Guang-Hui 6
Anti-apoptotic activity of Bak Foong Pills and its ingredients on 6-hydroxydopamin.. Jia, RR 6
The genus Bulbothrix (Parmeliaceae) in China Zhang, Yan Yun 6
叶绿体系统发育基因组学的研究进展 张韵洁 6
Humulane-type sesquiterpenoids from the mushroom Lactarius mitissimus Luo, Du-Qiang 5
A new abietane diterpene from Glyptostrobus pensilis Zhang, Yu-Mei 5
Novel Cyclic Hexapeptides from Marine-Derived Fungus, Aspergillus sclerotiorum PT0.. Zheng, Jinkai 5
酸模属植物研究进展 张兰胜 5
云南小桐子资源调查与评价 王曦 5
生态水文学的学科研究动态及在中国的发展方向 高富 5
海南狗牙花吲哚生物碱成分的分离与鉴定 郭伶俐 5
云南生物资源开发的若干意见 吴征镒 5
板蓝根的化学成分研究 左 丽 5
云南高原湖泊水生植被的研究 李恒 5
中国种子植物区系统计分析 李锡文 5
黄精属植物甾体皂苷的分子进化及其化学分类学意义 杨崇仁 5
喜马拉雅灰包菇SecotiumhimalaicumZangetDoi杂记 臧穆 5
国内中药化学成分库建设的现状分析与思考 赵丽梅 5
生命条形码与生命之树 陈之端 5
Hyperuralones A and B, New Acylphloroglucinol Derivatives with Intricately Caged C.. Zhang, Jing-Jing 5
Divergence in Eco-Physiological Responses to Drought Mirrors the Distinct Distribu.. Guo, Wen 5
Phylogenetic analyses of Searsia (Anacardiaceae) from eastern Asia and its biogeog.. Yang, Ying-Ying 5
Cognitive-enhancing effects of beta-sitosterol in vanadium-induced neurotoxicity i.. Adebiyi,O. 5
Profiling membrane glycerolipids during gamma-ray-induced membrane injury Zheng, Guowei 5
The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Leersia perrieri of the rice tribe Ory.. Hutang, Ge-Ran 5
Synthesis and antitumor activity of biotinylated camptothecin derivatives as poten.. Zi, Cheng-Ting 5
Four meroterpenoids from Alternaria alternata isolated from Paeonia lactiflora Wang, Ju-Tao 5
Progress of implementation on the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation in (2011-.. Ren, Hai 5
Recombinant polyphenol oxidases for production of theaflavins from tea polyphenols Zeng, Jun 5
Geophysical, evolutionary and ecological processes interact to drive phylogenetic .. Qian, Hong 5
The complete plastome of Gymnotheca chinensis (Saururaceae) and its phylogenetic a.. Jin, Lei 5
Lead toxicity induced phytotoxic effects on mung bean can be relegated by lead tol.. Arif 5
The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Metabriggsia ovalifolia W. T. Wang (Ge.. Tian,Xiaoling 5
Gibberellin inhibition of taproot formation by modulation of DELLA-NAC complex act.. Liu,Yuanyuan 5
Plastid phylogenomic analyses of Fagales reveal signatures of conflict and ancient.. Yang,Ying-Ying 5
Glaciibacter flavus sp. nov., isolated from a lichen sample An,De-Feng 5
Diversity and Function of Appressoria Chethana 5
Biomimetic Synthesis of Lavandiolides H, I, and K and Artematrolide F via Diels-Al.. Li,Tian-Ze 5
Artemicapillasins A-N, cytotoxic coumaric acid analogues against hepatic stellate .. Gao,Zhen 5
Age-related differences in physiological and metabolic responses of Pleione aurita.. Zhang,Wei 5
Two new dammarane-type bisdesmosides from the fruit pedicels of Panax notoginseng Wang, Xian-You 4
Taxonomic significance of leaf anatomy of Aniselytron (Poaceae) as an evidence to .. Ma, HY 4
Leucoagaricus orientiflavus, a new yellow lepiotoid species from southwestern Chin.. Ge, Z. W. 4
A new dibenzofuran and other constituents from Ligularia caloxantha, a Chinese med.. Shi, Shu-Yun 4
Melohenines A and B, Two Unprecedented Alkaloids from Melodinus henryi Feng, Tao 4
Aglacins A-D, first representatives of a new class of aryltetralin cyclic ether li.. Wang, BG 4
A new diterpenoid and active stilbenes from Pinus armandii heartwood Zhao, YX 4
Two New Diterpenoid Lactams from Spiraea japonica var. ovalifolia Liu, Hai-Yang 4
Bioactive flavones and biflavones from Selaginella moellendorffii Hieron Cao, Yuan 4
A novel cardiac glycoside from Parepigynum funingesis Cao, JX 4
Mitochondria-dependent apoptosis of activated T lymphocytes induced by astin C, a .. Shen, Yan 4
Isoforskolin pretreatment attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury .. Yang, Weimin 4
Structure-activity relationships study of 6-chloro-4-(2-chlorophenyl)-3-(2-hydroxy.. Guo, Rui-Hua 4
New Dammarane-Type Saponins from the Rhizomes of Panax japonicus Zhou, Min 4
红毛丹果壳的化学成分研究 梁文娟 4
藏药翁布的黄酮类化学成分研究 喇晓琴 4
中国油橄榄适生区研究 施宗明 4
金属离子胁迫产生植物膜脂过氧化的能力与离子的极化能力正相关 杨慧 4
粉花绣线菊复合群的化学分类研究 郝小江 4
芦丁对甲型流感病毒抑制作用实验研究 王艳芳 4
普洱茶的香气成分 周志宏 4
四种药用地衣的化学成分 孙汉董 4
试谈我国鹅膏菌的分类研究 杨祝良 4
中国种子植物属的分布区类型 吴征镒 4
思茅澳洲坚果引种试种初报 周元 4
睡莲科中的三属植物与龙胆科中的莕菜的花柄比较解剖学研究 胡光万 4
牛尾草中一新的对映—贝壳杉烷型二萜 纳智 4
百蕊草的化学成分研究 鲁云霞 4
Evolution of the intercontinental disjunctions in six continents in the Ampelopsis.. Nie, Ze-Long 4
意大利油橄榄考察记要及云南油橄榄发展途径 施宗明 4
小百部的甾体皂甙成分 丁怡 4
桂林乌桕中的香豆素和鞣花酸类化合物 漆淑华 4
Four new cucurbitane glycosides from Hemsleya jinfushanensis Chen, JC 4
Chemical constituents analysis on the seeds of Bupleurum Falcatum L. Liu, XH 4
反柄紫芝中2个新三萜类化合物 彭惺蓉 4
大山包黑颈鹤国家级自然保护区的植物生态生活型研究 李嵘 4
中国类脐菇属(类脐菇科)的分类(英文) 杨祝良* 4
云南秋海棠属植物有性杂交特性 李景秀 4
(+/-)-Aspongamide A, an N-Acetyldopamine Trimer Isolated from the Insect Aspongopu.. Yan, Yong-Ming 4