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Trajectories of soil microbial recovery in response to restoration strategies in one of the largest and oldest open-pit phosphate mine in Asia 期刊论文
Authors:  Yan,Kai;  Luo,Ya-Huang;  Li,Yun-Ju;  Du,Ling-Pan;  Gui,Heng;  Chen,Si-Chong
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Dianchi basin  Hierarchical bayesian model  Microbial function  Open-pit phosphate mine reclamation  Restoration strategies  Scenario analysis  BACTERIAL COMMUNITY  FUNGAL COMMUNITIES  BIOMASS  CHINA  STOICHIOMETRY  
Oligomeric phloroglucinols with hAChE inhibitory and antibacterial activities from tropic Rhodomyrtus tomentosa 期刊论文
BIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 2023, 卷号: 141, 页码: 106836
Authors:  Luo,E-E;  Liu,Si-Na;  Wang,Zhao-Jie;  Chen,Ling-Yun;  Liang,Cheng-Qin;  Yu,Mu-Yuan;  Qin,Xu-Jie
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Rhodomyrtus tomentosa  Oligomeric phloroglucinols  h AChE inhibitors  Molecular docking  Antibacterial effects  MYRTUCOMMULONE  DERIVATIVES  ACYLPHLOROGLUCINOLS  MYRTUCOMMUACETALONE  LEAVES  
New Insights Into the Plastome Evolution of the Millettioid/Phaseoloid Clade (Papilionoideae, Leguminosae) (vol 11, 151, 2020) 期刊论文
FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, 2021, 卷号: 12, 页码: 652483
Authors:  Oyebanji,Oyetola;  Zhang,Rong;  Chen,Si-Yun;  Yi,Ting-Shuang
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evolutionary relationships  inversion  IR expansion/contraction  Leguminosae  Plastome  the Millettioid/Phaseoloid clade  PHYLOGENY  SEQUENCES  RBCL  
The Chromosome-Based Rubber Tree Genome Provides New Insights into Spurge Genome Evolution and Rubber Biosynthesis 期刊论文
MOLECULAR PLANT, 2020, 卷号: 13, 期号: 2, 页码: 336-350
Authors:  Liu, Jin;  Shi, Cong;  Shi, Cheng-Cheng;  Li, Wei;  Zhang, Qun-Jie;  Zhang, Yun;  Li, Kui;  Lu, Hui-Fang;  Shi, Chao;  Zhu, Si-Tao;  Xiao, Zai-Yun;  Nan, Hong;  Yue, Yao;  Zhu, Xun-Ge;  Wu, Yu;  Hong, Xiao-Ning;  Fan, Guang-Yi;  Tong, Yan;  Zhang, Dan;  Mao, Chang-Li;  Liu, Yun-Long;  Hao, Shi-Jie;  Liu, Wei-Qing;  Lv, Mei-Qi;  Zhang, Hai-Bin;  Liu, Yuan;  Hu-tang, Ge-Ran;  Wang, Jin-Peng;  Wang, Jia-Hao;  Sun, Ying-Huai;  Ni, Shu-Bang;  Chen, Wen-Bin;  Zhang, Xing-Cai;  Jiao, Yuan-Nian;  Eichler, Evan E.;  Li, Guo-Hua;  Liu, Xin;  Gao, Li-Zhi
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rubber tree  rubber biosynthesis  chromosome evolution  whole-genome duplication  domestication  
Exploration of Plastid Phylogenomic Conflict Yields New Insights into the Deep Relationships of Leguminosae 期刊论文
Authors:  Zhang, Rong;  Wang, Yin-Huan;  Jin, Jian-Jun;  Stull, Gregory W.;  Bruneau, Anne;  Cardoso, Domingos;  De Queiroz, Luciano Paganucci;  Moore, Michael J.;  Zhang, Shu-Dong;  Chen, Si-Yun;  Wang, Jian;  Li, De-Zhu;  Yi, Ting-Shuang
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New Insights Into the Plastome Evolution of the Millettioid/Phaseoloid Clade (Papilionoideae, Leguminosae) 期刊论文
Authors:  Oyebanji, Oyetola;  Zhang, Rong;  Chen, Si-Yun;  Yi, Ting-Shuang
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Polybenzyls from Gastrodia elata, their agonistic effects on melatonin receptors and structure-activity relationships 期刊论文
BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, 2019, 卷号: 27, 期号: 15, 页码: 3299-3306
Authors:  Chen, Si-Yue;  Geng, Chang-An;  Ma, Yun-Bao;  Huang, Xiao-Yan;  Yang, Xiao-Tong;  Su, Li-Hua;  He, Xiao-Feng;  Li, Tian-Ze;  Deng, Zhen-Tao;  Gao, Zhen;  Zhang, Xue-Mei;  Chen, Ji-Jun
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Gastrodia elata  Polybenzyls  Melatonin receptors  Structure-activity relationships  Docking study  
Genome sequence of Malania oleifera, a tree with great value for nervonic acid production 期刊论文
GIGASCIENCE, 2019, 卷号: 8, 期号: 2, 页码: 14
Authors:  Xu, Chao-Qun;  Liu, Hui;  Zhou, Shan-Shan;  Zhang, Dong-Xu;  Zhao, Wei;  Wang, Sihai;  Chen, Fu;  Sun, Yan-Qiang;  Nie, Shuai;  Jia, Kai-Hua;  Jiao, Si-Qian;  Zhang, Ren-Gang;  Yun, Quan-Zheng;  Guan, Wenbin;  Wang, Xuewen;  Gao, Qiong;  Bennetzen, Jeffrey L.;  Maghuly, Fatemeh;  Porth, Ilga;  Van de Peer, Yves;  Wang, Xiao-Ru;  Ma, Yongpeng;  Mao, Jian-Feng
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de novo genome assembly  vulnerable plant  Malania  nervonic acid  transcriptomes  
Identifying long-term stable refugia for relict plant species in East Asia (vol 9, 4488, 2018) 期刊论文
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2018, 卷号: 9, 页码: 2
Authors:  Tang, Cindy Q.;  Matsui, Tetsuya;  Ohashi, Haruka;  Dong, Yi-Fei;  Momohara, Arata;  Herrando-Moraira, Sonia;  Qian, Shenhua;  Yang, Yongchuan;  Ohsawa, Masahiko;  Hong Truong Luu;  Grote, Paul J.;  Krestov, Pavel V.;  LePage, Ben;  Werger, Marinus;  Robertson, Kevin;  Hobohm, Carsten;  Wang, Chong-Yun;  Peng, Ming-Chun;  Chen, Xi;  Wang, Huan-Chong;  Su, Wen-Hua;  Zhou, Rui;  Li, Shuaifeng;  He, Long-Yuan;  Yan, Kai;  Zhu, Ming-Yuan;  Hu, Jun;  Yang, Ruo-Han;  Li, Wang-Jun;  Tomita, Mizuki;  Wu, Zhao-Lu;  Yan, Hai-Zhong;  Zhang, Guang-Fei;  He, Hai;  Yi, Si-Rong;  Gong, Hede;  Song, Kun;  Song, Ding;  Li, Xiao-Shuang;  Zhang, Zhi-Ying;  Han, Peng-Bin;  Shen, Li-Qin;  Huang, Diao-Shun;  Luo, Kang;  Lopez-Pujol, Jordi
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Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of the relict Chinese false tupelo, Camptotheca acuminata 期刊论文
CONSERVATION GENETICS RESOURCES, 2018, 卷号: 10, 期号: 4, 页码: 659-662
Authors:  Chen, Si-Yun;  Zhang, Xian-Zhi
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Camptotheca acuminata  Chloroplast genome  Phylogenomics