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seco-Prezizanne Sesquiterpenes and Prenylated C6-C3 Compounds from the Fruits of Illicium lanceolatum A. C. Smith 期刊论文
CHEMISTRY & BIODIVERSITY, 2022, 卷号: 19, 期号: 1, 页码: e202100868
Authors:  Nie,Wei;  Ding,Lin-Fen;  Tie-Lei;  Zhou,Hao-Feng;  Bao,Yi;  Song,Liu-Dong;  Pan,Zheng-Hong;  Wu,Xing-De;  Zhao,Qin-Shi
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Illicium lanceolatum A  C  Smith  seco-prezizanne sesquiterpene  prenylated C6-C3 compound  neuroprotective activity  NEUROTROPHIC ACTIVITY  C-6-C-3 COMPOUNDS  STEM BARK  ROOTS  SKELETON  
Biphenyl-type neolignans with NO inhibitory activity from the fruits of Magnolia tripetala 期刊论文
PHYTOCHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2021, 卷号: 44, 页码: 222-226
Authors:  Nie,Wei;  Ding,Lin-Fen;  Lei,Tie;  Liu,Zhen-Xiang;  Li,Jin-Da;  Song,Liu-Dong;  Wu,Xing-De
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Magnolia tripetala  Biphenyl-type neolignan  NO inhibitory activity  Tripetalin A  STEM BARK  HONOKIOL DERIVATIVES  LIGNANS  LEAVES  SESQUITERPENOIDS  CONSTITUENTS  GROWTH  ALPHA  
Cunlanceloic acids A-D: unprecedented labdane diterpenoid dimers with AChE inhibitory and cytotoxic activities from Cunninghamia lanceolata 期刊论文
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS, 2021, 卷号: 8, 期号: 20, 页码: 5777-5784
Authors:  Wu,Xing-De;  Ding,Lin-Fen;  Chen,Bin;  Li,Xiao-Nian;  Peng,Li-Yan;  Zhao,Qin-Shi
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Tetranorlanostane and Lanostane Triterpenoids with Cytotoxic Activity from the Epidermis of Poria cocos 期刊论文
CHEMISTRY & BIODIVERSITY, 2021, 卷号: 18, 期号: 5
Authors:  Jiang,Ting-Ting;  Ding,Lin-Fen;  Nie,Wei;  Wang,Liu-Yan;  Lei,Tie;  Wu,Xing-De;  Zhao,Qin-Shi
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Poria cocos  lanostane triterpenoid  tetranorlanostane triterpenoid  cytotoxic activity  SURFACE-LAYER  EXTRACTS  
Illilanceolide A, a unique seco-prezizaane sesquiterpenoid with 5/5/6 tricyclic scaffold from the fruits of Illicium lanceolatum A. C. Smith 期刊论文
TETRAHEDRON LETTERS, 2021, 卷号: 70, 页码: 153022
Authors:  Nie,Wei;  Ding,Lin-Fen;  Lei,Tie;  Pan,Zheng-Hong;  Song,Liu-Dong;  Wu,Xing-De;  Zhao,Qin-Shi
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Illicium lanceolatum A. C. Smith  Seco-prezizaane sesquiterpenoid  Neurotrophic activity  Neuroprotective effect  NEUROTROPHIC ACTIVITY  PERICARPS  ANISATIN  
Caesalpanins A-C, Three Dimeric Cassane Diterpenoids from the Seeds of Caesalpinia sappan L. 期刊论文
Authors:  Wang, De-Sheng;  Nie, Wei;  Jiang, Ting-Ting;  Ding, Lin-Fen;  Song, Liu-Dong;  Wu, Xing-De;  Zhao, Qin-Shi
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Artemilavanolides A and B, two sesquiterpenoids with a 6-oxabicyclo [3.2.1]octane scaffold from Artemisia lavandulaefolia 期刊论文
Authors:  Ding, Lin-Fen;  Peng, Li-Yan;  Zhou, Hao-Feng;  Song, Liu-Dong;  Wu, Xing-De;  Zhao, Qin-Shi
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Magnograndins J-M, elemane sesquiterpenoids from the leaves of Magnolia grandiflora and their inhibitory effects on nitric oxide production 期刊论文
PHYTOCHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2019, 卷号: 31, 页码: 121-124
Authors:  Ding, Lin-Fen;  Liu, Jiang-Xin;  Xie, Zhang-Qiao;  Wang, De-Shen;  Nie, Wei;  Song, Liu-Dong;  Wu, Xing-De;  Zhao, Qin-Shi
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Magnolia grandiflora  Elemane sesquiterpenoid  Nitric oxide (NO)  
Sesquiterpenes from the Leaves of Magnolia delavayi Franch. and Their Cytotoxic Activities 期刊论文
CHEMISTRY & BIODIVERSITY, 2019, 卷号: 16, 期号: 5, 页码: 10
Authors:  Xie, Zhang-Qiao;  Ding, Lin-Fen;  Wang, De-Sheng;  Nie, Wei;  Liu, Jiang-Xin;  Qin, Jing;  Song, Liu-Dong;  Wu, Xing-De;  Zhao, Qin-Shi
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Magnolia delavayi  sesquiterpene  structure elucidation  phytochemistry  cytotoxicity  
Diterpenoids and sesquiterpenoids from the stem bark of Metasequoia glyptostroboides 期刊论文
PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 2019, 卷号: 161, 页码: 86-96
Authors:  Tu, Wen-Chao;  Qi, Yan-Yan;  Ding, Lin-Fen;  Yang, Hui;  Liu, Jiang-Xin;  Peng, Li-Yan;  Song, Liu-Dong;  Gong, Xun;  Wu, Xing-De;  Zhao, Qin-Shi
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Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu & WC Cheng  Cupressaceae  Sesquiterpenoids  Diterpenoids  Cytotoxicity