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Leucoagaricuspurpurascens, a new species from eastern China based on morphological characteristics and molecular evidence 期刊论文
PHYTOTAXA, 2023, 卷号: 584, 期号: 3, 页码: 197-206
Authors:  Guo,Ting;  Ma,Yun-Rui;  Yang,Rui-Heng;  Ge,Zai-Wei;  Bao,Da-Peng
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Agaricales  Leucoagaricus  phylogeny  taxonomy  LEPIOTACEOUS FUNGI  FAMILY AGARICACEAE  CALIFORNIA  PILOSELLI  USA  
Updates on Scleroderma: Four New Species of Section Scleroderma from Southwestern China 期刊论文
DIVERSITY-BASEL, 2023, 卷号: 15, 期号: 6, 页码: 775
Authors:  Wu,Rui;  Zhou,Lvrong;  Qu,Hua;  Ge,Zai-Wei
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four new species  Boletales  ectomycorrhizal fungi  Sclerodermataceae  taxonomy  HOST-SPECIFICITY  SP. NOV.  ECTOMYCORRHIZAL  DIVERSITY  FUNGI  ASSOCIATIONS  SUTHEPENSE  
Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Cystolepiota (Agaricaceae, Agaricales): New Species, New Combinations and Notes on the C. seminuda Complex 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF FUNGI, 2023, 卷号: 9, 期号: 5, 页码: 537
Authors:  Qu,Hua;  Damm,Ulrike;  Hou,Ya-Jun;  Ge,Zai-Wei
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molecular phylogeny  new combinations  new species  species delimitation  systematics  LEPIOTA  AGARICACEAE  CALIFORNIA  SEQUENCES  INFERENCE  FUNGI  TOOL  
Six New Species of Leucoagaricus (Agaricaceae) from Northeastern China 期刊论文
DIVERSITY-BASEL, 2022, 卷号: 14, 期号: 5, 页码: 314
Authors:  Ma, Yunrui;  Liu, Tiezhi;  Yu, Xiaodan;  Wei, Tiezheng;  Ge, Zai-Wei
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Three new species of Smithiomyces from tropical Asia support an amphi-Pacific disjunct distribution in the genus 期刊论文
MYCOLOGIA, 2021, 卷号: 113, 期号: 5, 页码: 1009-1021
Authors:  Ge,Zai-Wei;  Xu,Tianxiu;  Qu,Hua;  Ma,Yunrui
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Agaricaceae  Agaricales  biogeography  systematics  taxonomy  3 new taxa  PHYLOGENETIC INFERENCE  AGARICACEAE  SEQUENCES  
Squamanitaceae and three new species of Squamanita parasitic on Amanita basidiomes 期刊论文
IMA FUNGUS, 2021, 卷号: 12, 期号: 1, 页码: 4
Authors:  Liu,Jian-Wei;  Ge,Zai-Wei;  Horak,Egon;  Vizzini,Alfredo;  Halling,Roy E.;  Pan,Chun-Lei;  Yang,Zhu L.
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Amanita  Mycoparasitic fungi  Squamanita  Host preference  Three new taxa  CYSTODERMA AMIANTHINUM  ODORATA AGARICALES  PARADOXA  NUCLEAR  FUNGUS  TOOL  
The Chromosome-Based Rubber Tree Genome Provides New Insights into Spurge Genome Evolution and Rubber Biosynthesis 期刊论文
MOLECULAR PLANT, 2020, 卷号: 13, 期号: 2, 页码: 336-350
Authors:  Liu, Jin;  Shi, Cong;  Shi, Cheng-Cheng;  Li, Wei;  Zhang, Qun-Jie;  Zhang, Yun;  Li, Kui;  Lu, Hui-Fang;  Shi, Chao;  Zhu, Si-Tao;  Xiao, Zai-Yun;  Nan, Hong;  Yue, Yao;  Zhu, Xun-Ge;  Wu, Yu;  Hong, Xiao-Ning;  Fan, Guang-Yi;  Tong, Yan;  Zhang, Dan;  Mao, Chang-Li;  Liu, Yun-Long;  Hao, Shi-Jie;  Liu, Wei-Qing;  Lv, Mei-Qi;  Zhang, Hai-Bin;  Liu, Yuan;  Hu-tang, Ge-Ran;  Wang, Jin-Peng;  Wang, Jia-Hao;  Sun, Ying-Huai;  Ni, Shu-Bang;  Chen, Wen-Bin;  Zhang, Xing-Cai;  Jiao, Yuan-Nian;  Eichler, Evan E.;  Li, Guo-Hua;  Liu, Xin;  Gao, Li-Zhi
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rubber tree  rubber biosynthesis  chromosome evolution  whole-genome duplication  domestication  
An annotated key to the Bovista (Lycoperdaceae, Basidiomycota) species in Russia 期刊论文
Authors:  Rebriev, Yury A.;  Ge, Zai-Wei;  Voronina, Elena Y.;  Fomina, Elena S.;  Nazarenko, Alexander, V
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New species of Echinoderma and Lepiota (Agaricaceae) from China 期刊论文
Authors:  Hou, Ya-Jun;  Ge, Zai-Wei
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The genus Catathelasma (Catathelasmataceae, Basidiomycota) in China 期刊论文
Authors:  Ge, Zai-Wei;  Wu, Jian-Yun;  Hao, Yan-Jia;  Zhang, Qingying;  An, Yi-Feng;  Ryberg, Martin
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