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Systematics and Biogeography of Aralia L. (Araliaceae):Revision of Aralia Sects. Aralia, Humiles, Nanae, andSciadodendron 期刊论文
出版物, 3111, 卷号: 57, 期号: 0, 页码: 1-172
Authors:  Jun Wen
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Aralia  Aralia Sect. Aralia  Aralia Sect. Dimorphanthus  Aralia Sect. Humiles  Aralia Sect. Nanae  Aralia Sect. pentapanax  Aralia Sect. Sciadodendron  Biogeography  Araliaceae  Systematics  
Flechten aus dem italienisch-französischenGrenzgebiete und aus Mittelitalien 期刊论文
出版物, 3111, 期号: 0, 页码: 29-65
Authors:  J. Steiner;  Verzeichnis der Fundorte
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Boletes clarified 期刊论文
出版物, 3111, 期号: 0, 页码: 1-38
Authors:  David Arora;  Jonathan L. Frank
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Appendiculati  Boletaceae  Butter Boletes  Butyriboletus  Molecular phylogenetics  New Genus  New Species  Taxonomy  
Vorarbeiten zu einer "Synopsis Lichenurn" :Die Gattungen Alectoria, Oropogon und Cornicularia 期刊论文
ARKIV FOR BOTANIK, 3111, 卷号: 20A, 期号: 11, 页码: 1—43
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Lichenes. 期刊论文
Botanische Ergebnisse der Deutschm Zentralasien-Expedition, 3111, 期号: 0, 页码: 23-25
Authors:  Von
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Three out of one: revising the species delimitation of the tree fern Gymnosphaera salletii (Cyatheaceae), with particular reference to the foliar nectary 期刊论文
BOTANICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY, 2024, 卷号: 204, 期号: 1, 页码: 63-75
Authors:  Li, Shu-Han;  Zuo, Zheng-Yu;  Chen, Cheng-Wei;  Pham, Van The;  Luu, Hong Truong;  Dong, Shi-Yong
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Indochina  morphology  new species  phylogeny  taxonomy  CLASSIFICATION  
Cyrtomium calcis sp. nov. and six new records of the shield fern family (Dryopteridaceae) from Vietnam 期刊论文
PHYTOTAXA, 2023, 卷号: 583, 期号: 1, 页码: 15-26
Authors:  Lu,Ngan Thi;  Wei,Hong-Jin;  Vuong,Luong Dinh;  Toan,Le Chi;  Zhang,Li-Bing;  Zhang,Liang
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Arachniodes  Cyrtomium  IUCN  limestone flora  new discovery  Polystichum  SUBG. HAPLOPOLYSTICHUM  POLYSTICHUM  
Physisporinus yunnanensis sp. nov. (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) from Southern China 期刊论文
PHYTOTAXA, 2023, 卷号: 579, 期号: 2, 页码: 98-106
Authors:  Cai,Jia;  Zou,Lei;  Wu,Xi;  Zhao,Chang-Lin
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1 new species  Basidiomycetes  Meruliaceae  Phylogeny  Taxonomy  Wood-inhabiting fungi  RIGIDOPORUS  DIVERSITY  FUNGI  
Scolecohyalosporium thailandense sp. nov. (Parabambusicolaceae, Pleosporales) collected on Imperata sp. (Poaceae) in northern Thailand 期刊论文
PHYTOTAXA, 2023, 卷号: 594, 期号: 4, 页码: 267-282
Authors:  Phookamsak,Rungtiwa;  Hongsanan,Sinang;  Bhat,Darbhe Jayarama;  Xu,Jianchu;  Mortimer,Peter E.;  Suwannarach,Nakarin;  Kumla,Jaturong;  Dawoud,Turki M.;  Lumyong,Saisamorn
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Parafuscosporella lignicola sp. nov. (Fuscosporellaceae), from a freshwater habitat in northern Thailand 期刊论文
PHYTOTAXA, 2023, 卷号: 597, 期号: 2, 页码: 141-152
Authors:  Li,Lu;  Xu,Rong-Ju;  Luo,Zong-Long;  Zhao,Qi;  Cheewangkoon,Ratchadawan
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1 new taxon  Freshwater fungi  Pairwise homoplasy index test  Sordariomycetes  CONIDIAL FUNGI  GENUS  MICROFUNGI  OUTLINE