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GetOrganelle: a fast and versatile toolkit for accurate de novo assembly of organelle genomes 期刊论文
Authors:  Jin, Jian-Jun;  Yu, Wen-Bin;  Yang, Jun-Bo;  Song, Yu;  dePamphilis, Claude W.;  Yi, Ting-Shuang;  Li, De-Zhu
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The Hemiparasitic Plant Phtheirospermum (Orobanchaceae) Is Polyphyletic and Contains Cryptic Species in the Hengduan Mountains of Southwest China 期刊论文
FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, 2018, 卷号: 9, 期号: 1, 页码: 142
Authors:  Yu, Wen-Bin;  Randle, Christopher P.;  Lu, Lu;  Wang, Hong;  Yang, Jun-Bo;  depamphilis, Claude W.;  Corlett, Richard T.;  Li, De-Zhu
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Cryptic Species  Hengduan Mountains  Orobanchaceae  Phtheirospermum  Phylogenetic Incongruence  Pterygiella  
The draft genome of the transgenic tropical fruit tree papaya (Carica papaya Linnaeus) 期刊论文
nature, 2008, 卷号: 452, 期号: 0, 页码: 991-997
Authors:  Ray Ming;  Shaobin Hou;  Yun Feng;  Qingyi Yu;  Alexandre Dionne-Laporte;  Jimmy H. Saw;  Pavel Senin;  Wei Wang;  Benjamin V. Ly;  Kanako L. T. Lewis;  Steven L. Salzberg;  Lu Feng;  Meghan R. Jones;  Rachel L. Skelton;  Jan E. Murray;  Cuixia Chen;  Wubin Qian;  Junguo Shen;  Peng Du;  Moriah Eustice;  Eric Tong;  Haibao Tang;  Eric Lyons;  Robert E. Paull;  Todd P. Michael;  Kerr Wall;  Danny W. Rice;  Henrik Albert;  Ming-Li Wang;  Yun J. Zhu;  Michael Schatz;  Niranjan Nagarajan;  Ricelle A. Acob;  Peizhu Guan;  Andrea Blas;  Ching Man Wai;  Christine M. Ackerman;  Yan Ren;  Chao Liu;  Jianmei Wang;  Jianping Wang;  Jong-Kuk Na;  Eugene V. Shakirov;  Brian Haas;  Jyothi Thimmapuram;  David Nelson;  Xiyin Wang;  John E. Bowers;  Andrea R. Gschwend;  Arthur L. Delcher;  Ratnesh Singh;  Jon Y. Suzuki;  Savarni Tripathi;  Kabi Neupane;  Hairong Wei;  Beth Irikura;  Maya Paidi;  Ning Jiang;  Wenli Zhang;  Gernot Presting;  Aaron Windsor;  Rafael Navajas-Pe´rez;  Manuel J. Torres;  F. Alex Feltus;  Brad Porter;  Yingjun Li;  A. Max Burroughs;  Ming-Cheng Luo;  Lei Liu;  David A. Christopher;  Stephen M. Mount;  Paul H. Moore;  Tak Sugimura;  Jiming Jiang;  Mary A. Schuler;  Vikki Friedman;  Thomas Mitchell-Olds;  Dorothy E. Shippen;  Claude W. dePamphilis;  Jeffrey D. Palmer;  Michael Freeling;  Andrew H. Paterson;  Dennis Gonsalves;  Lei Wang;  Maqsudul Alam
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The floral genome: an evolutionaryhistory of gene duplication and shiftingpatterns of gene expression 期刊论文
TRENDS in Plant Science, 2007, 卷号: 12, 页码: 358-367
Authors:  Douglas E. Soltis;  Hong Ma;  Michael W. Frohlich;  Pamela S. Soltis;  Victor A. Albert;  David G. Oppenheimer;  Naomi S. Altman;  Claude dePamphilis;  Jim Leebens-Mack
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Using Restriction-Site Variation of PCR-Amplified cpDNA Genes for Phylogenetic 期刊论文
American Journal of Botany, 1997, 卷号: 84, 期号: 4, 页码: 555-564
Authors:  Andrea D. Wolfe;  Wayne J. Elisens;  Linda E. Watson;  Claude W. DePamphilis
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Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequences (Caps)  Chelone  Chionophilu  Keckiellu  Nothochelone  Polymerase chain Reaction (Pcr)-mapped Restriction Site Polymorphisms (Mrsp)  Penstemon  Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (Rflp).  
Evolution of Plastid Gene rps2 in a Lineage of Hemiparasitic and Holoparasitic Plants: Many Losses of Photosynthesis and Complex Patterns of Rate Variation 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1997, 卷号: 94, 期号: 14, 页码: 7367-7372
Authors:  Claude W. DePamphilis;  Nelson D. Young;  Andrea D. Wolfe
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