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Oxytocin inhibits the activity of acid-sensing ion channels through the vasopressin-1a receptor in primary sensory neurons1 期刊论文
出版物, 3111, 期号: 0, 页码: 1-34
Authors:  Fang Qiu;  Chun-Yu Qiu;  Huilan Cai;  Ting-Ting Liu;  Zu-Wei Qu;  Zhifan Yang;  Jia-Da Li;  Qun-Yong Zhou;  Wang-Ping Hu
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Oxytocin  Acid-sensing Ion Channel  Proton-gated Current  Vasopressin-1a Receptor  Dorsal Root Ganglion Neuron  Electrophysiology  Pain  
Evolutionary ecology of plant-plant interactions 期刊论文
出版物, 3111, 页码: 1-144
Authors:  Zuo Z(作者)
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Reproductive Allocation in Plants 期刊论文
Reproductive Allocation in Plants, 3111, 页码: 1—30
Authors:  Shuhei Tanaka;  Shin-ichiro Kochi;  Heigo Kunita;  Shin-ichi Ito;  Mitsuro Kameya-Iwaki
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Long-term use of standardised ginkgo biloba extract for theprevention of Alzheimer’s disease (GuidAge): a randomisedplacebo-controlled trial 期刊论文
出版物, 3111, 期号: 0, 页码: 1—9
Authors:  Bruno Vellas;  Nicola Coley;  Pierre-Jean Ousset;  Gilles Berrut;  Jean-François Dartigues;  Bruno Dubois;  Hélène Grandjean;  Florence Pasquier;  François Piette;  Philippe Robert;  Jacques Touchon;  Philippe Garnier;  Hélène Mathiex-Fortunet;  Sandrine Andrieu;  for the GuidAge Study Group
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The formation and function of plant volatiles: perfumes for pollinator attraction and defense 期刊论文
Physiology and metabolism, 3111, 期号: 0, 页码: 237-243
Authors:  Eran Pichersky;  Jonathan Gershenzon
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YC-1 inhibits proliferation of breast cancer cells by downregulating EZH2 expression via activation of c-Cbl and ERK 期刊论文
出版物, 3111, 期号: 0, 页码: 1-46
Authors:  Ling-Chu Chang;  Hui-Yi Lin;  Meng-Tung Tsai;  Ruey-Hwang Chou;  Fang-Yu Lee;  Che-Ming Teng;  Min-Tsang Hsieh;  Hsin-Yi Hung;  Li-Jiau Huang;  Yung-Luen Yu;  Sheng-Chu Kuo
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Yc-1  Triple-negative Breast Cancer  Erk  Ezh2  C-cbl  
云南梧桐(Firmiana major)的变色花传粉功能特征及遗传结构研究 学位论文
: 中国科学院大学, 2022
Authors:  马雨倩
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云南梧桐,极小种群野生植物,遗传结构,花色变化,传粉特征  Firmiana major  Plant Species with Extremely Small Populations  Genetic structure  Floral color change  Pollination characteristics  
Sexual conflict in protandrous flowers and the evolution of gynodioecy 期刊论文
EVOLUTION, 2021, 卷号: 75, 期号: 2, 页码: 278-293
Authors:  Wang,Hao;  Barrett,Spencer C. H.;  Li,Xue-Yan;  Niu,Yang;  Duan,Yuan-Wen;  Zhang,Zhi-Qiang;  Li,Qing-Jun
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Cyananthus  dichogamy  floral longevity  pollen limitation  sexual dimorphism  sexual interference  FLORAL LONGEVITY  REPRODUCTIVE ASSURANCE  POLLEN LIMITATION  MALE-STERILITY  SEED SET  SELECTION  POLLINATION  ALPINE  INTERFERENCE  HERKOGAMY  
Immunosuppresive Sesterterpenoids and Norsesterterpenoids from Colquhounia coccinea var. mollis 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 2021, 卷号: 86, 期号: 16, 页码: 11169-11176
Authors:  Jing,Shu-Xi;  Fu,Ran;  Li,Chun-Huan;  Zhou,Ting-Ting;  Liu,Yan-Chun;  Liu,Yan;  Luo,Shi-Hong;  Li,Xiao-Nian;  Zeng,Fang;  Li,Sheng-Hong
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Immunosuppressive gentianellane-type sesterterpenoids from the traditional Uighur medicine Gentianella turkestanorum 期刊论文
PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 2021, 卷号: 187, 页码: 112780
Authors:  Guo,Kai;  Liu,Yan-Chun;  Liu,Yan;  Zhang,Han;  Li,Wen-Yuan;  Shi,Qiu-Mei;  Li,Xiao-Nian;  Zeng,Fang;  Li,Sheng-Hong
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Gentianella turkestanorum  Gentianaceae  Plant sesterterpenoids  Gentianellane-type  Immunosuppressive activity  GLANDULAR TRICHOMES  LEUCOSCEPTRUM-CANUM  CONSTITUENTS  PRODUCTS  HARBOR