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Artemannuols A-C, novel sesquiterpenoid-flavonol hybrids with antihepatoma activity from Artemisia annua 期刊论文
ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY, 2023, 卷号: 21, 期号: 26, 页码: 5451-5456
作者:  He,Xiao-Feng;  Wang,Meng-Fei;  Li,Tian-Ze;  Ma,Yun-Bao;  Chen,Ji-Jun
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Hepatocellular-carcinoma  Aggregation Pheromone  Bug  
Artemeriosides A-F, the first examples of natural sesquiterpenoids substituted by a 6′-O-crontonyl β-glucopyranoside from Artemisia annua 期刊论文
FITOTERAPIA, 2023, 卷号: 169, 页码: 105619
作者:  He,Xiao-Feng;  Wang,Meng-Fei;  Ma,Yun-Bao;  Li,Tian-Ze;  Chen,Ji-Jun
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Artemisia annua L.  Artemeriosides A-F  Sesquiterpenoids substituted by 6'-O-crontonyl  beta-glucopyranoside  Antihepatoma activity  GENUS  
Anti-Inflammatory Indole Alkaloids from the Stems of Kopsia officinalis 期刊论文
作者:  Xie Tian-Zhen;  Zhao Yun-Li;  Ma Wei-Guang;  Wang Yi-Fen;  Yu Hao-Fei;  Wang Bei;  Wei Xin;  Huang Zhi-Pu;  Zhu Pei-Feng;  Liu Ya-Ping;  Luo Xiao-Dong
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Selected Mutations Revealed Intermediates and Key Precursors in the Biosynthesis of Polyketide-Terpenoid Hybrid Sesquiterpenyl Epoxy-cyclohexenoids 期刊论文
ORGANIC LETTERS, 2017, 卷号: 19, 期号: 14, 页码: 3923-3926
作者:  Teng, Lin-Lin;  Song, Tian-Yang;  Xu, Zi-Fei;  Liu, Xiao;  Dai, Rong;  Chen, Yong-Hong;  Li, Sheng-Hong;  Zhang, Ke-Qin;  Niu, Xue-Mei
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Fungus Arthrobotrys-oligospora  Morphological Regulatory Arthrosporols  Metabolite Production  Antibiotics  Disruption  Mechanisms  Patulin  
Novel immunosuppressive pregnane glycosides from the leaves of Epigynum auritum 期刊论文
FITOTERAPIA, 2017, 卷号: 118, 页码: 107-111
作者:  Gao, Fei;  Yao, Yuan-Cheng;  Cai, Sheng-Bao;  Zhao, Tian-Rui;  Yang, Xiao-Yan;  Fan, Jian;  Li, Xiao-Nian;  Cao, Jian-Xin;  Cheng, Gui-Guang
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Epigynum Auritum  Epigynosides E-g  Pregnane Glycosides  Immunosuppressive  
中国高等植物受威胁物种名录 期刊论文
生物多样性, 2017, 卷号: 25, 期号: 07, 页码: 696-744
作者:  覃海宁;  杨永;  董仕勇;  何强;  贾渝;  赵莉娜;  于胜祥;  刘慧圆;  刘博;  严岳鸿;  向建英;  夏念和;  彭华;  李振宇;  张志翔;  何兴金;  尹林克;  林余霖;  刘全儒;  侯元同;  刘演;  刘启新;  曹伟;  李建强;  陈世龙;  金效华;  高天刚;  陈文俐;  马海英;  耿玉英;  金孝锋;  常朝阳;  蒋宏;  蔡蕾;  臧春鑫;  武建勇;  叶建飞;  赖阳均;  刘冰;  林秦文;  薛纳新
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Enb  高等植物  茎叶体植物  Cr  Ab  红色名录  威胁等级  石豆兰  虾脊兰  贝母兰  无柱兰  物种  马先蒿  羊耳蒜  中华人民共和国  
中国被子植物濒危等级的评估 期刊论文
生物多样性, 2017, 卷号: 25, 期号: 07, 页码: 745-757
作者:  覃海宁;  赵莉娜;  于胜祥;  刘慧圆;  刘博;  夏念和;  彭华;  李振宇;  张志翔;  何兴金;  尹林克;  林余霖;  刘全儒;  侯元同;  刘演;  刘启新;  曹伟;  李建强;  陈世龙;  金效华;  高天刚;  陈文俐;  马海英;  耿玉英;  金孝锋;  常朝阳;  蒋宏;  蔡蕾;  臧春鑫;  武建勇;  叶建飞;  赖阳均;  刘冰;  林秦文;  薛纳新
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Iucn红色名录  灭绝风险评估  威胁因子  被子植物  保护  
A new species of Cantharellus (Cantharellales, Basidiomycota, Fungi) from subalpine forest in Yunnan, China 期刊论文
PHYTOTAXA, 2016, 卷号: 252, 期号: 4, 页码: 273-279
作者:  Shao, Shi-Cheng;  Liu, Pei-Gui;  Tian, Xiao-Fei;  Buyck, Bart;  Geng, Yan-Hong
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Biodiversity  Phylogeny  Subalpine Distribution  Tef1 Gene  
Cantharellus phloginus, a new pink-colored species from southwestern China 期刊论文
MYCOSCIENCE, 2016, 卷号: 57, 期号: 2, 页码: 144-149
作者:  Shao, Shi-Cheng;  Buyck, Bart;  Tian, Xiao-Fei;  Liu, Pei-Gui;  Geng, Yan-Hong
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Cantharelloid  Gill-folds  Taxonomy  Tef1 Gene  
Cantharellus hygrophorus, a new species in subgenus Afrocantharellus from tropical southwestern China 期刊论文
CRYPTOGAMIE MYCOLOGIE, 2014, 卷号: 35, 期号: 3, 页码: 283-291
作者:  Shao, Shi-Cheng;  Buyck, Bart;  Hofstettere, Valerie;  Tian, Xiao-Fei;  Geng, Yan-Hong;  Yu, Fu-Qiang;  Liu, Pei-Gui;  Buyck,B (reprint author),Museum Natl Hist Nat,Dept Systemat & Evolut,UMR 7205,12 Rue Buffon,F-75005 Paris,France.;;
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Afrocantharellus  Biodiversity  Cutirellus  Chanterelles  Lsu  Phylogeny  Taxonomy