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Comparative Analysis of Rhizospheric Fungi Using High-Throughput Sequencing between Wild, Ex Situ, and Reintroduced Pinus squamata, a Plant Species with Extremely Small Populations in Yunnan Province, China 期刊论文
DIVERSITY-BASEL, 2023, 卷号: 15, 期号: 7, 页码: 868
Authors:  Li,Fengrong;  Sun,Weibang
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Pinus squamata  Plant Species with Extremely Small Populations  rhizosphere  fungal community  soil physicochemical properties  function prediction  CONSERVATION  MICROBIOME  COMMUNITY  GENOME  
Seed Germination and Seedling Growth Influenced by Genetic Features and Drought Tolerance in a Critically Endangered Maple 期刊论文
PLANTS-BASEL, 2023, 卷号: 12, 期号: 17, 页码: 3140
Authors:  Liu,Detuan;  Yang,Jiajun;  Tao,Lidan;  Ma,Yongpeng;  Sun,Weibang
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Acer yangbiense  seedling performance  trade-off  conservation  SURVIVAL  POPULATIONS  DIVERSITY  TRAITS  
Deciphering the Taxonomic Delimitation of Ottelia acuminata (Hydrocharitaceae) Using Complete Plastomes as Super-Barcodes 期刊论文
FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, 2021, 卷号: 12, 页码: 681270
Authors:  Ji,Yunheng;  Yang,Jin;  Landis,Jacob B.;  Wang,Shuying;  Yang,Zhenyan;  Zhang,Yonghong
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species boundary  molecular identification  DNA barcoding  taxonomy  threatened species  aquatic plant  SPECIES DELIMITATION  DNA BARCODES  MACROPHYTE DECLINE  CONSERVATION  GENOMES  BIODIVERSITY  GENETICS  MODEL  LAKES  SPP.  
The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Metabriggsia ovalifolia W. T. Wang (Gesneriaceae), a national key protected plant endemic to Karst areas in China 期刊论文
MITOCHONDRIAL DNA PART B-RESOURCES, 2021, 卷号: 6, 期号: 3, 页码: 833-834
Authors:  Tian,Xiaoling;  Wariss,Hafiz Muhammad
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Metabriggsia ovalifolia  endemic plant  chloroplast genome  phylogenomic analysis  
被子植物唇形分支花粉形态演化及其驱动因子 学位论文
, 2020
Authors:  杨丽娥
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几种兜兰属植物的种子无菌萌发和组织培养 学位论文
, 2020
Authors:  姚林伶
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基于SSR分子标记的极小种群野生植物滇桐遗传多样性和花粉流研究 学位论文
, 2020
Authors:  陈娅玲
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滇东南典型极小种群野生植物历史变迁、种子散布 及幼苗建成研究 学位论文
, 2020
Authors:  蔡磊
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极小种群野生植物云南梧桐的保护生物学研究 学位论文
, 2020
Authors:  李聪佳
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Can the concept of Plant Species with Extremely Small Populations be applied to animal species? 期刊论文
Authors:  Yang, Yin;  Chen, Gao;  Sun, Weibang
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