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Climbing the mountain fast but smart: Modelling rubber tree growth and latex yield under climate change 期刊论文
FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 2019, 卷号: 439, 页码: 55-69
作者:  Yang, Xueqing;  Blagodatsky, Sergey;  Marohn, Carsten;  Liu, Hongxi;  Golbon, Reza;  Xu, Jianchu;  Cadisch, Georg
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Landscape modelling  Land use change  Carbon sequestration  Planting density  Tree plantation  
A mixed model for landscape soil organic carbon prediction across continuous profile depth in the mountainous subtropics 期刊论文
GEODERMA, 2018, 卷号: 330, 页码: 177-192
作者:  Laub, Moritz;  Blagodatsky, Sergey;  Lang, Rong;  Yang, Xueqing;  Cadisch, Georg
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A mixed model for landscape soil organic carbon prediction across continuous profile depth in the mountainous subtropics 期刊论文
FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, 2018, 卷号: 9, 页码: 1648
作者:  Laub, Moritz;  Blagodatsky, Sergey;  Lang, Rong;  Yang, Xueqing;  Cadisch, Georg
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Rubber tree allometry, biomass partitioning and carbon stocks in mountainous landscapes of sub-tropical China 期刊论文
FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 2017, 卷号: 404, 页码: 84-99
作者:  Yang, Xueqing;  Blagodatsky, Sergey;  Liu, Feng;  Beckschaefer, Philip;  Xu, Jianchu;  Cadisch, Georg
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Forest Plantations  Aboveground Biomass  Belowground Biomass  Root-to-shoot Ratio  Carbon Stock  
Measuring leaf area index in rubber plantations - a challenge 期刊论文
ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, 2017, 卷号: 82, 页码: 357-366
作者:  Cotter, Marc;  Asch, Folkard;  Hilger, Thomas;  Rajaona, Arisoa;  Schappert, Alexandra;  Stuerz, Sabine;  Yang, Xueqing
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Leaf Area Index  Rubber  Radiation Interception  Gap Fraction  
Land-use change impact on time-averaged carbon balances: Rubber expansion and reforestation in a biosphere reserve, South-West China 期刊论文
FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 2016, 卷号: 372, 页码: 149-163
作者:  Yang, Xueqing;  Blagodatsky, Sergey;  Lippe, Melvin;  Liu, Feng;  Hammond, James;  Xu, Jianchu;  Cadisch, Georg
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Rubber Plantations  Rapid Carbon Stock Appraisal  Time-averaged Carbon Stocks  Mosaic Agricultural Landscape  Carbon Sequestration  
纳板河流域季风常绿阔叶林碳蓄积潜能初探 期刊论文
环境科学导刊, 2016, 期号: 3, 页码: 1
作者:  刘峰;  杨雪青;  李忠清
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季风常绿阔叶林  碳蓄积潜能  样地监测  纳板河流域  
Maxent modeling for predicting the potential distribution of medicinal plant, Justicia adhatoda L. in Lesser Himalayan foothills 期刊论文
ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, 2013, 卷号: 51, 页码: 83-87
作者:  Yang, Xue-Qing;  Kushwaha, S. P. S.;  Saran, S.;  Xu, Jianchu;  Roy, P. S.
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Auc  J. Adhatoda  Jackknife  Maxent  Species Distribution  
Prized edible Asian mushrooms: ecology, conservation and sustainability 期刊论文
FUNGAL DIVERSITY, 2012, 卷号: 56, 期号: 1, 页码: 31-47
作者:  Mortimer, Peter E.;  Karunarathna, Samantha C.;  Li, Qiaohong;  Gui, Heng;  Yang, Xueqing;  Yang, Xuefei;  He, Jun;  Ye, Lei;  Guo, Jiayu;  Li, Huili;  Sysouphanthong, Phongeun;  Zhou, Dequn;  Xu, Jianchu;  Hyde, Kevin D.
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Mushroom Species  Greater Mekong Sub-region  Medicinal Foods  Non-timber Forest Products  
基于 3S 技术的非木质林产品潜在生境建模  学位论文
: 中国科学院研究生院, 2011
作者:  杨雪青
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3s  技术  非木材林产品  潜在生境建模  专家证据权重法  最大熵法