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N-3-Oxo-Decanoyl-L-Homoserine-Lactone Activates Auxin-Induced Adventitious Root Formation via Hydrogen Peroxide- and Nitric Oxide-Dependent Cyclic GMP Signaling in Mung Bean 期刊论文
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 2012, 卷号: 158, 期号: 2, 页码: 725-736
Authors:  Bai, Xuegui;  Todd, Christopher D.;  Desikan, Radhika;  Yang, Yongping;  Hu, Xiangyang
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Schizandra-chinensis Baill  Schisandra-chinensis  Induced Toxicity  Cells  Constituents  Philippinensis  Protects  
Deciphering the Protective Role of Nitric Oxide against Salt Stress at the Physiological and Proteomic Levels in Maize 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH, 2011, 卷号: 10, 期号: 10, 页码: 4349-4364
Authors:  Bai, Xuegui;  Yang, Liming;  Yang, Yunqiang;  Ahmad, Parvaiz;  Yang, Yongping;  Hu, Xiangyang
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Maize  Nitric Oxide  Ros  Saline Stress  
Nitric Oxide Enhances Desiccation Tolerance of Recalcitrant Antiaris toxicaria Seeds via Protein S-Nitrosylation and Carbonylation 期刊论文
PLOS ONE, 2011, 卷号: 6, 期号: 6, 页码: e20714
Authors:  Bai, Xuegui;  Yang, Liming;  Tian, Meihua;  Chen, Jinhui;  Shi, Jisen;  Yang, Yongping;  Hu, Xiangyang
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Hydrogen-peroxide  Abscisic-acid  Disease Resistance  Hydroxyl Radicals  Oxidative Stress  Stomatal Closure  Active Oxygen  Cell-walls  Zea-mays  Arabidopsis  
蛋白组学解析拟南芥响应细菌信号分子N-3-oxo-hexanoyl-homoserine-lactone(OHHL)的机制 期刊论文
植物分类与资源学报, 2011, 卷号: 33, 期号: 04, 页码: 389-395
Authors:  牛雪艳;  张海军;  白学贵;  李婉莎;  刘晓光;  胡向阳
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