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Ethnobotanical survey and evaluation of traditional mosquito repellent plants of Dai people in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China 期刊论文
Authors:  Gou, Yi;  Li, Zhennan;  Fan, Ruyan;  Guo, Changan;  Wang, Lu;  Sun, Hongzheng;  Li, Jiping;  Zhou, Chengpeng;  Wang, Chen;  Wang, Yuhua
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Bioassay-guided isolation of active compounds from Adenosma buchneroides essential oil as mosquito repellent against Aedes albopictus 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY, 2019, 卷号: 231, 页码: 386-393
Authors:  Ma, Yongpeng;  Li, Mingxiang;  Zhang, Hongxia;  Sun, Hongzheng;  Su, Honghai;  Wang, Yuhua;  Du, Zhizhi
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Adenosma buchneroides  Ethnobotanical survey  Mosquito repellent  Carvacrol  Structure-activity relationship  
毛麝香醚及其组合物、制备方法和用途 专利
申请日期: 2018-11-29, 公开日期: 2019-03-26
Inventors:  杜芝芝;  马永鹏;  李明祥;  王雨华;  裴盛基;  张红霞;  孙洪正;  李怡;  刘宏
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香芹酚类似物在驱蚊产品中的应用 专利
申请日期: 2018-11-29, 公开日期: 2019-03-22
Inventors:  杜芝芝;  马永鹏;  李明祥;  张红霞;  孙洪正;  李怡;  刘宏
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毛麝香醚及其组合物和其在日化品和香精中的应用 专利
申请日期: 2018-05-22, 公开日期: 2018-09-21
Inventors:  杜芝芝;  马永鹏;  李明祥;  王雨华;  裴盛基;  张红霞;  孙洪正;  李怡;  刘宏
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毛麝香醚及其组合物和其在日化品和香精 中的应用 专利
Inventors:  杜芝芝;  马永鹏;  李明祥;  王雨华;   裴盛基;  张红霞;  孙洪正;  李怡;   刘宏
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香芹酚类似物及其在驱蚊产品中的应用 专利
Inventors:  杜芝芝;  马永鹏;  李明祥;  张红霞;   孙洪正;  李怡;  刘宏
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