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Endophytic fungi from the branches of Camellia taliensis (W. W. Smith) Melchior, a widely distributed wild tea plant 期刊论文
Authors:  Chen, Xiaoxue;  Luo, Xulu;  Fan, Miaomiao;  Zeng, Weilin;  Yang, Chongren;  Wu, Jianrong;  Zhao, Changlin;  Zhang, Yingjun;  Zhao, Ping
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Camellia taliensis  Wild tea plant  Endophytic fungi  Biodiversity  Phylogeny  
Identification of endophytic fungi from leaves of Pandanaceae based on their morphotypes and DNA sequence data from southern Thailand 期刊论文
MYCOKEYS, 2018, 期号: 33, 页码: 25-67
Authors:  Tibpromma, Saowaluck;  Hyde, Kevin D.;  Bhat, Jayarama D.;  Mortimer, Peter E.;  Xu, Jianchu;  Promputtha, Itthayakorn;  Doilom, Mingkwan;  Yang, Jun-Bo;  Tang, Alvin M. C.;  Karunarathna, Samantha C.
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Ascomycetes  Basidiomycota  Biodiversity  Phylogenetic Analysis  
A multi-gene phylogeny of Chlorophyllum (Agaricaceae, Basidiomycota): new species, new combination and infrageneric classification 期刊论文
MYCOKEYS, 2018, 期号: 32, 页码: 65-90
Authors:  Ge, Zai-Wei;  Jacobs, Adriaana;  Vellinga, Else C.;  Sysouphanthong, Phongeun;  van der Walt, Retha;  Lavorato, Carmine;  An, Yi-Feng;  Yang, Zhu L.
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Agaricales  Lepiota  Macrolepiota  Multigene Phylogeny  New Taxa  
Two new species of Xanthagaricus and some notes on Heinemannomyces from Asia 期刊论文
MYCOKEYS, 2017, 期号: 28, 页码: 1-18
Authors:  Hosen, Md. Iqbal;  Song, Zong-ping;  Gates, Genevieve;  Karunarathna, Samantha C.;  Chowdhury, M. Salahuddin M.;  Li, Tai-Hui
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Hymenagaricus  Molecular Phylogeny  Monophyly  South Asia  Taxonomy  
Re-analyses of "Algal" Genes Suggest a Complex Evolutionary History of Oomycetes. 期刊论文
FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, 2017, 卷号: 8, 页码: 1540
Authors:  Wang, Qia;  Sun, Hang;  Huang, Jinling
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Plastid Evolution  Stramenopiles  Endosymbiosis  Horizontal Gene Transfer  Eukaryotic Evolution  
Families of Diaporthales based on morphological and phylogenetic evidence 期刊论文
STUDIES IN MYCOLOGY, 2017, 期号: 86, 页码: 217-296
Authors:  Senanayake, I. C.;  Crous, P. W.;  Groenewald, J. Z.;  Maharachchikumbura, S. S. N.;  Jeewon, R.;  Phillips, A. J. L.;  Bhat, J. D.;  Perera, R. H.;  Li, Q. R.;  Li, W. J.;  Tangthirasunun, N.;  Norphanphoun, C.;  Karunarathna, S. C.;  Camporesi, E.;  Manawasighe, I. S.;  Al-Sadi, A. M.;  Hyde, K. D.
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Multi-gene Dna Phylogeny  New Taxonomic Arrangement  Phytopathogenic Fungi  Sordariomycetes  Systematics  
Ceramothyrium longivolcaniforme sp nov., a new species of Chaetothyriaceae from northern Thailand 期刊论文
PHYTOTAXA, 2016, 卷号: 267, 期号: 1, 页码: 51-60
Authors:  Zeng,Xiang-Yu;  Wen,Ting-Chi;  Chomnunti,Puta Rak;  Liu,Jian-Kui;  Boonme,Saranyaphat;  Hyde,Kevin D.
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Revision of genera in Asterinales 期刊论文
FUNGAL DIVERSITY, 2014, 卷号: 68, 期号: 1, 页码: 1-68
Authors:  Hongsanan, Sinang;  Li, Yan-Mei;  Liu, Jian-Kui;  Hofmann, Tina;  Piepenbring, Meike;  Bhat, Jayarama D.;  Boonmee, Saranyaphat;  Doilom, Mingkhuan;  Singtripop, Chonticha;  Tian, Qing;  Mapook, Ausana;  Zeng, Xiang-Yu;  Bahkali, Ali H.;  Xu, Jian-Chu;  Mortimer, Peter E.;  Wu, Xia-Hai;  Yang, Jun-Bo;  Hyde, Kevin D.;  Hyde,KD (reprint author),Chinese Acad Sci,Kunming Inst Bot,Key Lab Plant Divers & Biogeog East Asia,Kunming 650201,Peoples R China.;
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Asterina  Asterinaceae  Aulographaceae  Lembosiaceae Morphology Type Species Taxonomy