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Seed plant phylogenetic diversity and species richness in conservation planning within a global biodiversity hotspot in eastern Asia 期刊论文
CONSERVATION BIOLOGY, 2015, 卷号: 29, 期号: 6, 页码: 1552-1562
Authors:  Li, Rong;  Kraft, Nathan J. B.;  Yu, Haiying;  Li, Heng
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Biodiversity Conservation  Evolutionary History  Phylogenetic Structure  
青藏高原生态变化 期刊论文
科学通报, 2015, 期号: 32, 页码: 3048-3056
Authors:  张宪洲;  杨永平;  朴世龙;  包维楷;  汪诗平;  王根绪;  孙航;  罗天祥;  张扬建;  石培礼;  梁尔源;  沈妙根;  王景升;  高清竹;  张镱锂;  欧阳华
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青藏高原  生态变化  生态系统  评估  
二型花柱植物海仙花报春花部性状随地理梯度的变异 期刊论文
生物多样性, 2015, 期号: 6, 页码: 747-758
Authors:  李海东;  任宗昕;  吴之坤;  许琨;  王红
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传粉者介导的选择  雌雄互补异位  地理梯度  Primula Poissonii  花部性状分化  
Orchid Species Richness along Elevational and Environmental Gradients in Yunnan, China 期刊论文
PLOS ONE, 2015, 卷号: 10, 期号: 11
Authors:  Zhang,Shi-Bao;  Chen,Wen-Yun;  Huang,Jia-Lin;  Bi,Ying-Feng;  Yang,Xue-Fei
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海仙花报春及其近缘种的繁殖适应研究 学位论文
: 中国科学院大学, 2015
Authors:  李海东
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Late Pliocene temperatures and their spatial variation at the southeastern border of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, 2015, 卷号: 111, 页码: 44-53
Authors:  Huang,Yong-Jiang;  Chen,Wen-Yun;  Jacques,Frederic M. B.;  Liu,Yu-Sheng Christopher;  Utescher,Torsten;  Su,Tao;  Ferguson,David K.;  Zhou,Zhe-Kun
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Late Pliocene  Palaeoclimatic Reconstruction  Temperature  Precipitation  Qinghai-tibet Plateau  Coexistence Approach  
Distribution of Cenozoic plant relicts in China explained by drought in dry season 期刊论文
Authors:  Huang,Yongjiang;  Jacques,Frederic M. B.;  Su,Tao;  Ferguson,David K.;  Tang,Hui;  Chen,Wenyun;  Zhou,Zhekun
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云南不同植被类型的叶物候对气候变化的响应研究 学位论文
, 昆明: 中国科学院大学, 2015
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性二相植物研究进展与展望 期刊论文
草原与草坪, 2015, 期号: 4, 页码: 84-89
Authors:  朱艳;  张志强
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植物性系统  变性  功能性别  环境性别  
Cushion plants can have a positive effect on diversity at high elevations in the Himalayan Hengduan Mountains 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE, 2015, 卷号: 26, 期号: 4, 页码: 768-777
Authors:  Chen, Jianguo;  Schoeb, Christian;  Zhou, Zhuo;  Gong, Qiangbang;  Li, Xinhui;  Yang, Yang;  Li, Zhimin;  Sun, Hang;  Yang,Y (reprint author),Chinese Acad Sci,Kunming Inst Bot,Key Lab Plant Divers & Biogeog East Asia,Kunming 650201,Yunnan,Peoples R China.;;;;;;;
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Alpine Habitats  Cushion Plants  Environmental Severity  Facilitative Interactions  Himalayan Hengduan Mountains  Nurse Trait Effects  Species Richness