Effectiveness of rubber seed oil and flaxseed oil to enhance the alpha-linolenic acid content in milk from dairy cows
Pi, Y.1; Gao, S. T.1; Ma, L.1,2,3; Zhu, Y. X.4; Wang, J. Q.1; Zhang, J. M.1; Xu, J. C.1,4,6; Bu, D. P.1,2,3,5
摘要This experiment was conducted to investigate effect of rubber seed oil compared with flaxseed oil when fed alone or in combination on milk yield, milk composition, and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) concentration in milk of dairy cows. Forty-eight mid-lactation Holstein dairy cows were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments according to a completely randomized design. Cows were fed a basal diet (control; CON) or a basal diet supplemented with 4% rubber seed oil (RO), flaxseed oil (FO), or 2% rubber seed oil plus 2% flaxseed oil (RFO) on a dry matter basis for 9 wk. reed intake, milk protein percentage, and milk fat levels did not differ between the treatments. Cows fed the RO, FO, or RFO treatments had a higher milk yield than the CON group (up to 10.5% more), whereas milk fat percentages decreased. Compared with the CON, milk concentration of ALA was substantially higher in cows receiving RO or RFO), and was doubled in cows receiving FO. The ALA yield (g/d) increased by 31.0, 70.3, and 33.4% in milk from cows fed 110, FO, or RFO, respectively, compared with the CON. Both C18:1 trans-11 (vaccenic acid) and C18:2 cis-9,trans-11 (con. tied linoleic acid; CLA) levels were higher in cows fed added flaxseed or rubber seed oil. The CLA yield (g/d) increased by 336, 492, and 484% in cows fed RO, FO, or RFO, respectively, compared with the CON. The increase in vaccenic acid, ALA. and CLA was greater in cows fed RFO than in cows fed 110 alone. Compared with the CON, the milk fat from cows fed any of the dietary supplements had a higher concentration of unsaturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, and polyunsaturated fatty acids; conversely, the saturated fatty acids levels in milk fat were 30.5% lower. Insulin and growth hormones were not affected by dietary treatments; however, we noted an increase in both cholesterol and nonesterified fatty acids levels in the RO, FO, or RFO treatments. These results indicate that rubber seed oil and flaxseed oil will increase milk production and the concentration of functional fatty acids (ALA, vaccenic acid, and CLA) in milk fat while decreasing the content of saturated fatty acids.
关键词Rubber Seed Oil Flaxseed Oil Alpha-linolenic Acid Milk Fat
作者单位1.Chinese Acad Agr Sci, Inst Anim Sci, State Key Lab Anim Nutr, Beijing 100193, Peoples R China
2.Chinese Acad Agr Sci, Beijing 100193, Peoples R China
3.World Agroforestry Ctr ICRAF, Joint Lab Agroforestry & Sustainable Anim Husb, Beijing 100193, Peoples R China
4.Chinese Acad Sci, Kunming Inst Bot, Key Lab Econ Plants & Biotechnol, Kunming 650201, Peoples R China
5.Synerget Innovat Ctr Food Safety & Nutr, Harbin 150030, Peoples R China
6.World Agroforestry Ctr, CAAS ICRAF Joint Lab Agroforestry & Sustainable A, East & Cent Asia Reg, Kunming 650201, Peoples R China
GB/T 7714
Pi, Y.,Gao, S. T.,Ma, L.,et al. Effectiveness of rubber seed oil and flaxseed oil to enhance the alpha-linolenic acid content in milk from dairy cows[J]. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE,2016,99(7):5719-5730.
APA Pi, Y..,Gao, S. T..,Ma, L..,Zhu, Y. X..,Wang, J. Q..,...&Bu, D. P..(2016).Effectiveness of rubber seed oil and flaxseed oil to enhance the alpha-linolenic acid content in milk from dairy cows.JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE,99(7),5719-5730.
MLA Pi, Y.,et al."Effectiveness of rubber seed oil and flaxseed oil to enhance the alpha-linolenic acid content in milk from dairy cows".JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE 99.7(2016):5719-5730.
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