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Species diversity, distribution patterns, and substrate specificity of Strobilurus 期刊论文
MYCOLOGIA, 2018, 卷号: 110, 期号: 3, 页码: 584-604
Authors:  Qin, Jiao;  Horak, Egon;  Popa, Flavius;  Rexer, Karl-Heinz;  Kost, Gerhard;  Li, Fang;  Yang, Zhu L.
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China  New Species  Physalacriaceae  Pinus  Substrate Specificity  Taxonomy  2 New Taxa  
Out of Asia: Biogeography of fungal populations reveals Asian origin of diversification of the Laccaria amethystina complex, and two new species of violet Laccaria 期刊论文
FUNGAL BIOLOGY, 2017, 卷号: 121, 期号: 11, 页码: 939-955
Authors:  Vincenot, Lucie;  Popa, Flavius;  Laso, Francisco;  Donges, Kathrin;  Rexer, Karl-Heinz;  Kost, Gerhard;  Yang, Zhu L.;  Nara, Kazuhide;  Selosse, Marc-Andre
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Cryptic Geographic Species  Fungal Species Complex  Hydnangiaceae  Phylogeography  Purple Laccaria  Taxonomy  
Three new Laccaria species from Southwest China (Yunnan) 期刊论文
MYCOLOGICAL PROGRESS, 2014, 卷号: 13, 期号: 4, 页码: 1105-1117
Authors:  Popa, Flavius;  Rexer, Karl-Heinz;  Donges, Kathrin;  Yang, Zhu Liang;  Kost, Gerhard;  Popa,F (reprint author),Univ Marburg,Fac Biol Systemat Bot & Mycol,Karl von Frisch Str 8,D-35032 Marburg,Germany.;
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Basidiomycota  Taxonomy  Agaricales  Hydnangiaceae  Laccaria  China  
The taxonomic foundation, species circumscription and continental endemisms of Singerocybe: evidence from morphological and molecular data 期刊论文
MYCOLOGIA, 2014, 卷号: 106, 期号: 5, 页码: 1015-1026
Authors:  Qin, Jiao;  Feng, Bang;  Yang, Zhu L.;  Li, Yan-Chun;  Ratkowsky, David;  Gates, Genevieve;  Takahashi, Haruki;  Rexer, Karl-Heinz;  Kost, Gerhard W.;  Karunarathna, Samantha C.;  Yang,ZL (reprint author),Chinese Acad Sci,Kunming Inst Bot,Key Lab Plant Div & Biogeog East Asia,Kunming 650201,Peoples R China.;
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Allopatric Speciation  Monophyly  New Combinations  Singerocybe Umbilicata  Synapomorphy