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Extensive Pyrosequencing Reveals Frequent Intra-Genomic Variations of Internal Transcribed Spacer Regions of Nuclear Ribosomal DNA 期刊论文
PLOS ONE, 2012, 卷号: 7, 期号: 8, 页码: e43971
Authors:  Song, Jingyuan;  Shi, Linchun;  Li, Dezhu;  Sun, Yongzhen;  Niu, Yunyun;  Chen, Zhiduan;  Luo, Hongmei;  Pang, Xiaohui;  Sun, Zhiying;  Liu, Chang;  Lv, Aiping;  Deng, Youping;  Larson-Rabin, Zachary;  Wilkinson, Mike;  Chen, Shilin
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Multiple Sequence Alignment  Land Plants  Species Identification  Rna Genes  Saccharomyces-cerevisiae  Molecular Systematics  Secondary Structures  Intergenic Region  Flowering Plants  High-throughput