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Niche overlap and divergence times support niche conservatism in eastern Asia-Eastern North America disjunct plants 期刊论文
GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY, 2021, 卷号: 30, 期号: 10, 页码: 1990-2003
Authors:  Yin,Xue;  Jarvie,Scott;  Guo,Wen-Yong;  Deng,Tao;  Mao,Lingfeng;  Zhang,Minhua;  Chu,Chengjin;  Qian,Hong;  Svenning,Jens-Christian;  He,Fangliang
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divergence times  EAS-ENA plant disjunction  ensemble ecological niche models  niche conservatism  niche overlap  pairwise species  SPECIES DISTRIBUTION MODELS  SAMPLE-SIZE  PSEUDO-ABSENCES  VASCULAR PLANTS  EVOLUTION  ECOLOGY  DIVERSITY  DISTRIBUTIONS  ACCURACY  ANGIOSPERMS  
Evaluation of Argentation TLC-Densitometry for the Determination of trans Fatty Acids in Butterfat 期刊论文
Journal of Planar Chromatography, 2001, 卷号: 14, 页码: 384-390
Authors:  Marcel Margulies;  Michael Egholm;  William E. Altman;  Said Attiya;  Joel S. Bader;  Lisa A. Bemben;  Jan Berk;  Michael S. Braverman;  Yi-Ju Chen;  Zhoutao Chen;  Scott B. Dewell;  Lei Du;  Joseph M. Fierro;  Xavier V. Gomes;  Brian C. Godwin;  Wen He;  Scott Helgesen;  Chun He Ho;  Gerard P. Irzyk;  Szilveszter C. Jando;  Maria L. I. Alenquer;  Thomas P. Jarvie;  Kshama B. Jirage;  Jong-Bum Kim;  James R. Knight;  Janna R. Lanza;  John H. Leamon;  Steven M. Lefkowitz;  Ming Lei;  Jing Li;  Kenton L. Lohman;  Hong Lu;  Vinod B. Makhijani;  Keith E. McDade;  Michael P. McKenna;  Eugene W. Myers;  Elizabeth Nickerson;  John R. Nobile;  Ramona Plant;  Bernard P. Puc;  Michael T. Ronan;  George T. Roth;  Gary J. Sarki;  Jan Fredrik Simons;  John W. Simpson;  Maithreyan Srinivasan;  Karrie R. Tartaro;  Alexander Tomasz;  Kari A. Vogt;  Greg A. Volkmer;  Shally H. Wang;  Yong Wang;  Michael P. Weiner;  Pengguang Yu;  Richard F. Begley;  Jonathan M. Rothberg
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