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Testing Darwin's transoceanic dispersal hypothesis for the inland nettle family (Urticaceae) 期刊论文
ECOLOGY LETTERS, 2018, 卷号: 21, 期号: 10, 页码: 1515-1529
Authors:  Wu, Zeng-Yuan;  Liu, Jie;  Provan, Jim;  Wang, Hong;  Chen, Chia-Jui;  Cadotte, Marc W.;  Luo, Ya-Huang;  Amorim, Bruno S.;  Li, De-Zhu;  Milne, Richard I.
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Biogeography  Ecological Traits  Long-distance Dispersal  Molecular Phylogeny  Ocean Current  Seed Viability  Urticaceae  
Ancestral State Reconstruction Reveals Rampant Homoplasy of Diagnostic Morphological Characters in Urticaceae, Conflicting with Current Classification Schemes 期刊论文
PLOS ONE, 2015, 卷号: 10, 期号: 11, 页码: 11
Authors:  Wu,Zeng-Yuan;  Milne,Richard I.;  Chen,Chia-Jui;  Liu,Jie;  Wang,Hong;  Li,De-Zhu
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