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Evolutionary innovations through gain and loss of genes in the ectomycorrhizal Boletales 期刊论文
NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 2022, 卷号: 233, 期号: 3, 页码: 1383-1400
Authors:  Wu,Gang;  Miyauchi,Shingo;  Morin,Emmanuelle;  Kuo,Alan;  Drula,Elodie;  Varga,Torda;  Kohler,Annegret;  Feng,Bang;  Cao,Yang;  Lipzen,Anna;  Daum,Christopher;  Hundley,Hope;  Pangilinan,Jasmyn;  Johnson,Jenifer;  Barry,Kerrie;  LaButti,Kurt;  Ng,Vivian;  Ahrendt,Steven;  Min,Byoungnam;  Choi,In-Geol;  Park,Hongjae;  Plett,Jonathan M.;  Magnuson,Jon;  Spatafora,Joseph W.;  Nagy,Laszlo G.;  Henrissat,Bernard;  Grigoriev,Igor V.;  Yang,Zhu-Liang;  Xu,Jianping;  Martin,Francis M.
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Boletales  brown-rot fungi  CAZymes  comparative genomics  ectomycorrhizal fungi  trait evolution  R/BIOCONDUCTOR PACKAGE  PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS  HOST-SPECIFICITY  FUNGI  GENUS  DIVERSITY  
Shared Signatures of Parasitismand Phylogenomics UniteCryptomycota and Microsporidia 期刊论文
Current Biology, 2013, 卷号: 23, 期号: 16, 页码: 1—6
Authors:  Timothy Y. James;  Adrian Pelin;  Linda Bonen;  Steven Ahrendt;  Divya Sain;  Nicolas Corradi;  Jason E. Stajich
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