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| 兰科植物根的功能性状及其对水分变化的适应研究 学位论文 , 2020 Authors: 齐颖 Adobe PDF(5035Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:177/0  |  Submit date:2023/11/02 |
| Correlated evolution of leaf and root anatomic traits in Dendrobium (Orchidaceae) 期刊论文 AOB PLANTS, 2020 Authors: Qi, Ying; Huang, Jia-Lin; Zhang, Shi-Bao View  |  Adobe PDF(1127Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:182/76  |  Submit date:2021/01/05 |
| Antiphytoviral activity ofbruceine-D from Brucea javanica seeds 期刊论文 Pest Manag Sci, 2008, 卷号: 64, 期号: 0, 页码: 191–196 Authors: Jian-Guo Shen; Zheng-Kun Zhang; Zu-Jian Wu; Ming-An Ouyang; Lian-Hui Xie; Qi-Ying Lin Adobe PDF(185Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:70/2  |  Submit date:2017/07/24 Brucea Javanica Bruceine-d Tobacco Mosaic Virus (Tmv) Potato Virus y (Pvy) Cucumber Mosaic
virus (Cmv) Antiviral Activity |
| 灰毡毛忍冬新品种‘银翠蕾’的组织培养及快速繁殖 期刊论文 植物生理学通讯, 2006, 卷号: 42, 页码: 474 Authors: 王晓明; 易霭琴; 宋庆安; 聂启英; 李永欣 Adobe PDF(70Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:76/2  |  Submit date:2017/07/19 |