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Deciphering complex reticulate evolution of Asian Buddleja (Scrophulariaceae): insights into the taxonomy and speciation of polyploid taxa in the Sino-Himalayan region 期刊论文
作者:  Yang,Fengmao;  Ge,Jia;  Guo,Yongjie;  Olmstead,Richard;  Sun,Weibang
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Buddleja  phylogenomics  reticulate evolution  polyploidy  plastid genome  low-copy nuclear gene  HYBRIDIZATION  ALIGNMENT  DIVERSIFICATION  ALLOPOLYPLOIDY  PHYLOGENETICS  FRAMEWORK  NUCLEAR  ROBUST  FLOW  
Ecoregional and Phytogeographical Insights into the Distribution of Tulipa in the 'Nature Imperiled' Area of Central Asia for Effective Conservation 期刊论文
DIVERSITY-BASEL, 2023, 卷号: 15, 期号: 12, 页码: 1195
作者:  Asatulloev,Temur;  Dekhkonov,Davron;  Yusupov,Ziyoviddin;  Tojiboeva,Umida;  Cai,Lei;  Tojibaev,Komiljon;  Sun,Weibang
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Central Asia  conservation  ecoregion  phytogeographic districts  Tulipa  distribution  phytogeography  SPECIES RICHNESS  RANGE SIZE  BIODIVERSITY  LILIACEAE  DIVERSITY  PATTERNS  
Comparative Analysis of Rhizospheric Fungi Using High-Throughput Sequencing between Wild, Ex Situ, and Reintroduced Pinus squamata, a Plant Species with Extremely Small Populations in Yunnan Province, China 期刊论文
DIVERSITY-BASEL, 2023, 卷号: 15, 期号: 7, 页码: 868
作者:  Li,Fengrong;  Sun,Weibang
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Pinus squamata  Plant Species with Extremely Small Populations  rhizosphere  fungal community  soil physicochemical properties  function prediction  CONSERVATION  MICROBIOME  COMMUNITY  GENOME  
Seed Germination and Seedling Growth Influenced by Genetic Features and Drought Tolerance in a Critically Endangered Maple 期刊论文
PLANTS-BASEL, 2023, 卷号: 12, 期号: 17, 页码: 3140
作者:  Liu,Detuan;  Yang,Jiajun;  Tao,Lidan;  Ma,Yongpeng;  Sun,Weibang
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Acer yangbiense  seedling performance  trade-off  conservation  SURVIVAL  POPULATIONS  DIVERSITY  TRAITS  
The chromosome-level genome assembly and genes involved in biosynthesis of nervonic acid of Malania oleifera 期刊论文
SCIENTIFIC DATA, 2023, 卷号: 10, 期号: 1, 页码: 298
作者:  Yang,Tianquan;  Zhang,Rengang;  Tian,Xiaoling;  Yao,Gang;  Shen,Yuanting;  Wang,Sihai;  Mao,Jianfeng;  Li,Guangyuan;  Liu,Aizhong;  Sun,Weibang;  Ma,Yongpeng
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A haplotype-resolved genome assembly of Rhododendron vialii based on PacBio HiFi reads and Hi-C data 期刊论文
SCIENTIFIC DATA, 2023, 卷号: 10, 期号: 1, 页码: 451
作者:  Chang,Yuhang;  Zhang,Rengang;  Ma,Yongpeng;  Sun,Weibang
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Rediscovery of the Critically Endangered Rhododendron auritum in Tibet 期刊论文
ORYX, 2022, 卷号: 56, 期号: 6, 页码: 811-811
作者:  Shu, Heng;  Ma, Yongpeng;  Liu, Detuan;  Sun, Weibang;  Wang, Zi
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Conserving Cypripedium forrestii, an orchid species endemic to China 期刊论文
ORYX, 2022, 卷号: 56, 期号: 6, 页码: 812-812
作者:  Lin, Liewen;  Sun, Weibang
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The complete chloroplast genome of Acer Pubipetiolatum var. pingpienense (Sapindaceae) 期刊论文
MITOCHONDRIAL DNA PART B-RESOURCES, 2022, 卷号: 7, 期号: 8, 页码: 1448-1450
作者:  Liu, Detuan;  Chen, Suiyun;  Sun, Weibang
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chloroplast  Acer  structure  phylogeny  
Conservation genetics of Firmiana major, a threatened tree species with potential for afforestation of hot, arid climates 期刊论文
GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, 2022, 卷号: 36, 页码: e02136
作者:  Ma, Yuqian;  Li, Congjia;  Jin, Jie;  Liao, Chengfei;  Yang, Jing;  Sun, Weibang
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