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Estimating the Potential Impacts of Climate Change on the Spatial Distribution of Garuga forrestii, an Endemic Species in China 期刊论文
FORESTS, 2021, 卷号: 12, 期号: 12, 页码: 1708
作者:  Tiamiyu,Bashir B.;  Ngarega,Boniface K.;  Zhang,Xu;  Zhang,Huajie;  Kuang,Tianhui;  Huang,Gui-Yun;  Deng,Tao;  Wang,Hengchang
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biodiversity conservation  climate change  MaxEnt  habitat suitability  RCP scenarios  ECOLOGICAL NICHE MODELS  SAMPLING BIAS  RANGE  BIODIVERSITY  COMPLEXITY  SELECTION  ACCURACY  MAXENT  
Sensitivity of streamflow from a Himalayan catchment to plausible changes in land cover and climate 期刊论文
HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 2010, 卷号: 24, 期号: 11, 页码: 1379-1390
作者:  Ma, Xing;  Xu, Jianchu;  van Noordwijk, Meine
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Mountain Watershed  Land-cover Change  Climate Change  Scenarios  Swat Model  Water Resources