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Sesquiterpenoids from Alpinia oxyphylla with GLP-1 Stimulative Effects through Ca2+/CaMKII and PKA Pathways and Multiple-Enzyme Inhibition 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY, 2023, 卷号: 71, 期号: 43, 页码: 16148-16159
作者:  Cui,Can;  Wu,Sheng-Li;  Chen,Ji-Jun;  Gongpan,Pianchou;  Guan,Min;  Geng,Chang-An
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Alpinia oxyphylla  sesquiterpenoids  GLP-1 stimulation  Ca2+/CaMKII and PKA pathways  alpha-glucosidase and PTP1B inhibitory activity  
中药砂仁降血糖活性成分研究 学位论文
: 中国科学院大学, 2022
作者:  丁敏
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砂仁,姜科,降木脂素,降血糖活性,促GLP-1分泌,GPa抑制活性  Amomum villosum  Zingiberaceae  norlignans  antidiabetic effects  GLP-1 stimulation  GPa inhibition