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Taxonomic importance of SEM and LM foliar epidermal micro-morphology: A tool for robust identification of gymnosperms 期刊论文
FLORA, 2019, 卷号: 255, 页码: 42-68
作者:  Khan, Raees;  Ul Abidin, Sheikh Zain;  Ahmad, Mushtaq;  Zafar, Muhammad;  Liu, Jie;  Lubna;  Jamshed, Shayan;  Kilic, Omer
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Taxonomy  Gymnosperms  Foliar epidermal morphology  Florin rings  Epicuticular wax  Phytoliths  
Palyno-morphological characteristics of gymnosperm flora of pakistan and its taxonomic implications with LM and SEM methods 期刊论文
MICROSCOPY RESEARCH AND TECHNIQUE, 2018, 卷号: 81, 期号: 1, 页码: 74-87
作者:  Khan, Raees;  Ul Abidin, Sheikh Zain;  Ahmad, Mushtaq;  Zafar, Muhammad;  Liu, Jie;  Amina, Hafiza
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Gymnosperms  Pakistan  Palynology  Sem  Taxonomy  
Ethnomedicinal uses of Edible Wild Fruits (EWFs) in Swat Valley, Northern Pakistan 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY, 2015, 卷号: 173, 期号: 1, 页码: 191-203
作者:  Khan,Muhammad Pukhtoon Zada;  Ahmad,Mushtaq;  Zafar,Muhammad;  Sultana,Shazia;  Ali,Muhammad Ishtiaq;  Sun,Hang
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Traditional Knowledge  Digestive Disorders  Phytotheraphy  Phytochemical  Pharmaceutical