

合作作者[TOP 5]

吴劲松 研究员
所在部门: 资源植物与生物技术所级重点实验室
研究方向: 植物抵御链格孢菌的分子机理 植物抗虫的分子机理
联系邮箱: jinsongwu@mail.kib.ac.cn
备注: --



       链格孢菌(Alternaria alternata)是一种营腐生生活的病原真菌,它可以使很多重要的经济作物,包括马铃薯、梨、柑橘、烟草等产生不可逆转的病害,导致大量的经济损失。但是目前还没有有效的防控方法。

  通过以二倍体野生烟草(Nicotiana attenuata)和链格孢菌的病原互作体系,我们的结果证实了该真菌的菌丝大量的通过植物的气孔侵入,而植物可以通过激活ABA信号通路以及下游的MPK4来调节气孔的开放,最终达到增强抗病性的目的。


        多篇文章以第一或通讯作者发在Plant Journal, Journal of Experimental Botany, Planta, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology (JIPB), 以及Plant Pathology上。
        1998年于兰州大学生物系获得学士学位;2003年在北京中国科学院植物研究所获得硕士学位后,来到德国马普化学生态研究所、美国科学院院士Ian T. Baldwin教授实验室攻读博士学位,主要从事植物的抗虫信号调控的分子机理研究。

        2008年博士毕业后在德国马普陆地微生物所Regine Kahmann教授实验室做博士后,主要研究玉米黑粉病菌致病的分子机理。最后于2011年11月来到中国科学院昆明植物研究所工作。

  1. Sun H, Wang L, Zhang B, Ma J, Hettenhausen C, Cao G, Sun G, Wu J and Wu J* (2014) Scopoletin is a phytoalexin against Alternaria alternata in wild tobacco dependent on JA signalling. Journal of Experimental Botany doi: 10.1093/jxb/eru203 (Corresponding author)
  2. Zhang D, Qi J, Yue J, Huang J, Sun T, Li S, Wen JF, Hettenhausen C, Wu J, Wang L, Zhuang H, Wu J, Sun G. (2014) Root parasitic plant Orobanche aegyptiaca and shoot parasitic plant Cuscuta australis obtained Brassicaceae-specific strictosidine synthase-like genes by horizontal gene transfer. BMC Plant Biol. 14(1):19. doi: 10.1186/1471-2229-14-19.
  3. Sun H, Hu X, Ma J, Hettenhausen C, Wang L, Sun G, Wu J and Wu J* (2014) Requirement of ABA signalling-mediated stomatal closure for resistance of wild tobacco to Alternaria alternata. Plant Pathology DOI: 10.1111/ppa.12181 (Corresponding author, online)
  4. Wu J, Wang L,Wunsche H,Baldwin IT (2013) Narboh D, a respiratory burst oxidase homolog in Nicotiana attenuata, is required for late defense responses after herbivore attack. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 55(2): 187-198
  5. Wu J (2008) The role of three signal molecules in adaptation and herbivore resistance in Nicotiana attenuata. Ph.D Thesis, Biologisch-Pharmazeutische Fakultät, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
  6. Wu J, Wang L, Baldwin IT (2008) Methyl jasmonate (MeJA)-elicited herbivore resistance: does MeJA function as a signal without being hydrolyzed to JA? Planta 227: 1161–1168
  7. Wang L, Allman S, Wu J, Baldwin IT (2008) Comparisons of LOX3- and JAR4/6 silenced plants reveal that JA and JA-AA conjugates play different roles in herbivore resistance of Nicotiana attenuata. Plant Physiology 146: 904–915
  8. Wu J, Kurten EL, Monshausen G, Hummel GM, Gilroy S, and Baldwin IT (2007) NaRALF, a peptide signal essential for the regulation of root hair tip apoplastic pH in Nicotiana attenuata, is required for root hair development and plant growth in native soils. The Plant Journal 52: 877-890
  9. Xu Y, Wang X, Li J, Li J, Wu J, Walker JC, Xu Z, Chong K (2005) Activation of the WUS gene induces ectopic initiation of floral meristems on mature stem surface in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Mol Biol. 57(6):773-846.
  10. Wu J, Chong K, Xu Y, Xu Z, Tan K (2004) Cloning and characterization of an allene oxide synthase (TaAOS) gene in winter wheat. Journal of plant physiology and molecular biology (Zhi Wu Sheng Li Yu Fen Zi Sheng Wu Xue Xue Bao). 30 (4): 413-420
  11. Yong W, Xu Y, Xu W, Wang X, Li N, Wu J, Liang T, Chong K, Xu Z, Tan K, Zhu Z (2003) Vernalization-induced flowering in wheat is mediated by a lectin-like gene VER2. Planta 217(2): 261-705
  12. Wu J, Chong K (2002). The molecular biology research on the action of Jasmonates. Chinese Bulletin of Botany 19 (2): 164-170.
  13. Jia S, Yong W, Xu W, Xu Y, Wu J, Chong K, Tan K, Xu Z (2001) Existence of homologous sequences corresponding to cDNA of the ver gene in diverse higher plant species. Cell Res. 11(4): 265-71
  14. Zeng F, Wu J, Zhang L, Wang J, Zhou R, Zhang M (2000) Effect of water stress on the Mossbauer spectrum of Fe2+/Fe3+ components in cucumber PSII particles. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology (Acta Botanica Sinica) 42(5):467-470