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The opioid receptor triple agonist DPI-125 produces analgesia with less respiratory depression and reduced abuse liability 期刊论文
ACTA PHARMACOLOGICA SINICA, 2017, 卷号: 38, 期号: 7, 页码: 977-989
Authors:  Yi, Shou-pu;  Kong, Qing-hong;  Li, Yu-lei;  Pan, Chen-ling;  Yu, Jie;  Cui, Ben-qiang;  Wang, Ying-fei;  Wang, Guan-lin;  Zhou, Pei-lan;  Wang, Li-li;  Gong, Ze-hui;  Su, Rui-bin;  Shen, Yue-hai;  Yu, Gang;  Chang, Kwen-jen
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Opioid Receptor  Mixed Agonist  Dpi-125  Analgesia  Respiratory Depression  Addiction