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The compound BTB06584 is an IF1-dependent selective inhibitor of the mitochondrial F1Fo-ATPase1 期刊论文
出版物, 3111, 期号: 0, 页码: 1-38
作者:  Fabrice Ivanes;  Danilo Faccenda;  Jemma Gatliff;  Ahmed A Ahmed;  Stefania Cocco;  Carol Ho Ka Cheng;  Emma Allan;  Claire Russell;  Michael R Duchen;  Michelangelo Campanella
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Mitochondrial F1fo Atp Synthase  If1  Ischemia-induced Death  Btb06584  Pinotage  
The Forest Filter Effect vs. Cold Trapping Effect on the AltitudinalDistribution of PCBs: A Case Study of Mt. Gongga, Eastern Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文
出版物, 3111, 期号: 0, 页码: 1-32
作者:  Xin Liu;  Jun Li;  Qian Zheng;  Haijian Bing;  Ruijie Zhang;  Yan Wang;  Chunling Luo;  Xiang Liu;  Yanhong Wu;  Suhong Pan;  Gan Zhang
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Pharmacology and anti-addiction effects of the novel kappa opioid receptor agonist Mesyl Sal B, a potent and long-acting analogue of salvinorin A 期刊论文
出版物, 3111, 期号: 0, 页码: 1-53
作者:  B Simonson;  A S Morani;  A W M Ewald;  L Walker;  N Kumar;  D Simpson;  J H Miller;  T E Prisinzano;  B M Kivell
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出版物, 3111, 期号: 0, 页码: 1—65
作者:  Zuo Z(作者)
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Antidepressant and anxiolytic profiles of newly synthesized arginine vasopressin 期刊论文
出版物, 3111, 期号: 0, 页码: 1-62
作者:  M Iijima;  T Yoshimizu;  T Shimazaki;  K Tokugawa;  K Fukumoto;  S Kurosu;  T Kuwada;  Y Sekiguchi;  S Chaki
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Arginine Vasopressin  V1b Receptor Antagonist  Depression  Anxiety  Hpa Axis  
Resveratrol Decrease Fructose-Induced Oxidative Stress Mediated by NADPH Oxidase via an AMPK-Dependent Mechanism1 期刊论文
出版物, 3111, 期号: 0, 页码: 1-44
作者:  Pei-Wen Cheng, PhD;  Wen-Yu Ho, MD, PhD;  Yu-Ting Su, MS;  Pei-Jung Lu,PhD;  Bo-Zone Chen MS;  Wen-Han Cheng, MS;  Wen-Hsien Lu, MD, MS;  Gwo-Ching Sun, MD;  Tung-Chen Yeh, MD;  Michael Hsiao DVM, PhD;  Ching-Jiunn Tseng, MD, PhD
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Ampk  Hypertension  Nucleus Tractus Solitarii  Nitrogen Oxides  Resveratrol  
The Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Bafetinib Inhibits PAR2-induced Activation of TRPV4 In Vitro and Pain In Vivo1 期刊论文
出版物, 2111, 页码: 1-44
作者:  1M S Grace;  T Lieu;  B Darby;  F C Abogadie;  N Veldhuis N W Bunnett;  P McIntyre
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Transient Receptor Potential Ion Channel  Trpv4  Protease Activated Receptor  Par2  Pain  Tyrosine Kinase  Bafetinib  
Imaging of Dynamic Secretory Vesicles in LivingPollen Tubes of Picea meyeri Using EvanescentWave Microscopy 期刊论文
出版物, 2006, 卷号: 141, 页码: 1591–1603
作者:  Xiaohua Wang;  Yan Teng;  Qinli Wang;  Xiaojuan Li;  Xianyong Sheng;  Maozhong Zheng;  Jozef Samaj;  Frantisek Baluska;  Jinxing Lin
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Biodiesel production: a review1 期刊论文
出版物, 1999, 卷号: 70, 期号: 0, 页码: 1—15
作者:  Fangrui Ma;  Milford A. Hanna
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Biodiesel  Transesteri®cation  Blending  Microemulsion  Thermal Cracking