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Where and why have all the flowers gone?Depletion and turnover in the New Zealand Cenozoic angiospermflora in relation to palaeogeography and climate 期刊论文
Aust. J. Bot。, 2001, 卷号: 49, 页码: 341–356
Authors:  Daphne E. Lee;  William G. Lee;  Nick Mortimer
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The breakup history of Gondwana and its impact on pre-Cenozoicfloristic provincialism 期刊论文
Aust. J. Bot。, 2001, 卷号: 49, 页码: 271–300
Authors:  Stephen McLoughlin
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Where and why have all the flowers gone?Depletion and turnover in the New Zealand Cenozoic angiospermflora in relation to palaeogeography and climate 期刊论文
Aust. J. Bot。, 2001, 卷号: 49, 页码: 341–356
Authors:  Daphne E. Lee;  William G. Lee;  Nick Mortimer
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