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Systematics and Biogeography of Aralia L. (Araliaceae):Revision of Aralia Sects. Aralia, Humiles, Nanae, andSciadodendron 期刊论文
出版物, 3111, 卷号: 57, 期号: 0, 页码: 1-172
Authors:  Jun Wen
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Aralia  Aralia Sect. Aralia  Aralia Sect. Dimorphanthus  Aralia Sect. Humiles  Aralia Sect. Nanae  Aralia Sect. pentapanax  Aralia Sect. Sciadodendron  Biogeography  Araliaceae  Systematics  
The Forest Filter Effect vs. Cold Trapping Effect on the AltitudinalDistribution of PCBs: A Case Study of Mt. Gongga, Eastern Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文
出版物, 3111, 期号: 0, 页码: 1-32
Authors:  Xin Liu;  Jun Li;  Qian Zheng;  Haijian Bing;  Ruijie Zhang;  Yan Wang;  Chunling Luo;  Xiang Liu;  Yanhong Wu;  Suhong Pan;  Gan Zhang
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Vorarbeiten zu einer "Synopsis Lichenurn" :Die Gattungen Alectoria, Oropogon und Cornicularia 期刊论文
ARKIV FOR BOTANIK, 3111, 卷号: 20A, 期号: 11, 页码: 1—43
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Evolutionary ecology of plant-plant interactions 期刊论文
出版物, 3111, 页码: 1-144
Authors:  Zuo Z(作者)
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Reproductive Allocation in Plants 期刊论文
Reproductive Allocation in Plants, 3111, 页码: 1—30
Authors:  Shuhei Tanaka;  Shin-ichiro Kochi;  Heigo Kunita;  Shin-ichi Ito;  Mitsuro Kameya-Iwaki
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Shifting plant phenology in responseto global change 期刊论文
TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution, 3111, 卷号: 22, 页码: 357-365
Authors:  Elsa E. Cleland;  Isabelle Chuine;  Annette Menzel;  Harold A. Mooney;  Mark D. Schwartz
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Parasitism in Boschniakia glabra, E. Meyer 期刊论文
Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 3111, 卷号: 36, 页码: 31-32
Authors:  Mr. Meehan
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Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. 期刊论文
pigeon pea, 3111, 期号: 0, 页码: 1—3
Authors:  FABACEAE
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Data Analysisin Vegetation Ecology 期刊论文
出版物, 3111, 期号: 0, 页码: 1-297
Authors:  Otto Wildi
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生物群落梯度分析方法及其计算软件的比较 期刊论文
出版物, 3111, 页码: 1—22
Authors:  高琼;  李霞
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