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Reproductive Allocation in Plants 期刊论文
Reproductive Allocation in Plants, 3111, 页码: 1—30
Authors:  Shuhei Tanaka;  Shin-ichiro Kochi;  Heigo Kunita;  Shin-ichi Ito;  Mitsuro Kameya-Iwaki
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Elaborate Petals in Australian Spermacoce (Rubiaceae) Species:Morphology, Ontogeny and Function 期刊论文
Annals of Botany, 3111, 页码: 1—12
Authors:  Antonello Mai;  Marino Artico;  Gianluca Sbardella;  Silvio Massa;  Ettore Novellino;  Giovanni Greco;  Anna Giulia Loi;  Enzo Tramontano;  Maria Elena Marongiu;  Paolo La Colla
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Shifting plant phenology in responseto global change 期刊论文
TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution, 3111, 卷号: 22, 页码: 357-365
Authors:  Elsa E. Cleland;  Isabelle Chuine;  Annette Menzel;  Harold A. Mooney;  Mark D. Schwartz
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The formation and function of plant volatiles: perfumes for pollinator attraction and defense 期刊论文
Physiology and metabolism, 3111, 期号: 0, 页码: 237-243
Authors:  Eran Pichersky;  Jonathan Gershenzon
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Effect of climate change on the distribution and phenology of plants,insect pollinators,and their interactions 期刊论文
Biodiversity Science, 2021, 卷号: 29, 期号: 4, 页码: 495-506 1005-0094(2021)29:4<495:QHBHDZ>2.0.TX;2-A
Authors:  Shi Yuhan;  Ren Zongxin;  Zhao Yanhui;  Wang Hong
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Diversity of Flower Visiting Beetles at Higher Elevations on the Yulong Snow Mountain (Yunnan, China) 期刊论文
DIVERSITY-BASEL, 2021, 卷号: 13, 期号: 11, 页码: 604
Authors:  Li,Kai-Qin;  Ren,Zong-Xin;  Li,Qiang
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alpine  diversity  Hengduan Mountain  modularity  plant-insect interaction  FLORAL BIOLOGY  RAIN-FOREST  POLLINATION  COLEOPTERA  COMMUNITY  SPECIALIZATION  NETWORKS  SARAWAK  ANDES  
Differential expressions of anthocyanin synthesis genes underlie flower color divergence in a sympatric Rhododendron sanguineum complex 期刊论文
BMC PLANT BIOLOGY, 2021, 卷号: 21, 期号: 1, 页码: 204
Authors:  Ye,Lin-Jiang;  Moller,Michael;  Luo,Ya-Huang;  Zou,Jia-Yun;  Zheng,Wei;  Wang,Yue-Hua;  Liu,Jie;  Zhu,An-Dan;  Hu,Jin-Yong;  Li,De-Zhu;  Gao,Lian-Ming
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Anthocyanin synthesis  Comparative transcriptomics  Flower coloration  Gene expression  Rhododendron sanguineum complex  Sympatric speciation  RNA-SEQ DATA  TRANSCRIPTOME ANALYSIS  ANALYSIS REVEALS  BIOSYNTHESIS  GENERATION  ALIGNMENT  FLAVONOL  COPIGMENTATION  IDENTIFICATION  ACCUMULATION  
Phylogenetic patterns suggest frequent multiple origins of secondary metabolites across the seed-plant 'tree of life' 期刊论文
Authors:  Zhang,Yongzeng;  Deng,Tao;  Sun,Lu;  Landis,Jacob B.;  Moore,Michael J.;  Wang,Hengchang;  Wang,Yuehua;  Hao,Xiaojiang;  Chen,Jijun;  Li,Shenghong;  Xu,Maonian;  Puno,Pema-Tenzin;  Raven,Peter H.;  Sun,Hang
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The pollination of Habenaria rhodocheila (Orchidaceae) in South China: When butterflies take sides 期刊论文
ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 2021, 卷号: 11, 期号: 6, 页码: 2849-2861
Authors:  Chen,Xing-Hui;  Tan,Shao-Lin;  Liang,Yue-Long;  Huang,Lang;  Xiao,Han-Wen;  Luo,Huo-Lin;  Xiong,Dong-Jin;  Yang,Bo-Yun;  Ren,Zong-Xin
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breeding system  butterflies  Habenaria  pollination efficiency  reproductive success  
Flower Color Evolution and the Evidence of Pollinator-Mediated Selection 期刊论文
FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, 2021, 卷号: 12, 页码: 617851
Authors:  Trunschke,Judith;  Lunau,Klaus;  Pyke,Graham H.;  Ren,Zong-Xin;  Wang,Hong
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color perception  color preference  flower color variation  pollinator attraction  pollinator behavior  pollinator-mediated selection  ANTHOCYANIN-FLAVONE COPIGMENTATION  BUMBLEBEES BOMBUS-TERRESTRIS  NATURAL-SELECTION  PHENOTYPIC SELECTION  INSECT POLLINATORS  TRAIT COMBINATIONS  RECEPTOR NOISE  FLORAL TRAITS  VISION  BEES