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Systematics and Biogeography of Aralia L. (Araliaceae):Revision of Aralia Sects. Aralia, Humiles, Nanae, andSciadodendron 期刊论文
出版物, 3111, 卷号: 57, 期号: 0, 页码: 1-172
Authors:  Jun Wen
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Aralia  Aralia Sect. Aralia  Aralia Sect. Dimorphanthus  Aralia Sect. Humiles  Aralia Sect. Nanae  Aralia Sect. pentapanax  Aralia Sect. Sciadodendron  Biogeography  Araliaceae  Systematics  
Boletes clarified 期刊论文
出版物, 3111, 期号: 0, 页码: 1-38
Authors:  David Arora;  Jonathan L. Frank
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Appendiculati  Boletaceae  Butter Boletes  Butyriboletus  Molecular phylogenetics  New Genus  New Species  Taxonomy  
Evolutionary ecology of plant-plant interactions 期刊论文
出版物, 3111, 页码: 1-144
Authors:  Zuo Z(作者)
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Reproductive Allocation in Plants 期刊论文
Reproductive Allocation in Plants, 3111, 页码: 1—30
Authors:  Shuhei Tanaka;  Shin-ichiro Kochi;  Heigo Kunita;  Shin-ichi Ito;  Mitsuro Kameya-Iwaki
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Ecotourism in Old-growth Forests in Turkey: The Kure Mountains Experience 期刊论文
出版物, 3111, 页码: 281-283
Authors:  Zuo Z(作者)
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A Global Indicator for Biological Invasion 期刊论文
Conservation Biology, 3111, 卷号: 20, 页码: 1635–1646
Authors:  Eugene M McCarthy;  Jingdong Liu;  Gao Lizhi;  John F McDonald
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Elaborate Petals in Australian Spermacoce (Rubiaceae) Species:Morphology, Ontogeny and Function 期刊论文
Annals of Botany, 3111, 页码: 1—12
Authors:  Antonello Mai;  Marino Artico;  Gianluca Sbardella;  Silvio Massa;  Ettore Novellino;  Giovanni Greco;  Anna Giulia Loi;  Enzo Tramontano;  Maria Elena Marongiu;  Paolo La Colla
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The formation and function of plant volatiles: perfumes for pollinator attraction and defense 期刊论文
Physiology and metabolism, 3111, 期号: 0, 页码: 237-243
Authors:  Eran Pichersky;  Jonathan Gershenzon
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Use of Substitute Species in Conservation Biology 期刊论文
Conservation Biology, 3111, 期号: 0, 页码: 1821-1826
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台湾北部福山地区亚热带雨林种子雨之研究 期刊论文
出版物, 3111, 页码: 1-95
Authors:  张杨家豪
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