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A new species and new combination of Lecanora s. str. (Lecanoraceae) from China 期刊论文
LICHENOLOGIST, 2023, 页码: PII S0024282923000142
作者:  Li,Lijuan;  Wang,Lisong;  Printzen,Christian
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chemistry  Lecanora subfusca group  lichens  phylogeny  taxonomy  SUBFUSCA GROUP  SP-NOV  ASCOMYCOTA  LICHEN  PHYLOGENY  GENUS  
Eight lecanoroid lichen species new to China 期刊论文
CRYPTOGAMIE MYCOLOGIE, 2013, 卷号: 34, 期号: 4, 页码: 343-348
作者:  Wang, Li-Song;  Wang, Xin-Yu;  Lumbsch, H. Thorsten
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Asia  Diploschistes  Lecanora  Lichens  Loxospora  Tephromela