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Low genetic diversity and high inbreeding of the endangered yews in Central Himalaya: implications for conservation of their highly fragmented populations 期刊论文
DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS, 2014, 卷号: 20, 期号: 11, 页码: 1270-1284
作者:  Poudel, Ram C.;  Moeller, Michael;  Liu, Jie;  Gao, Lian-Ming;  Baral, Sushim R.;  Li, De-Zhu;  Gao,LM (reprint author),Chinese Acad Sci,Kunming Inst Bot,132 Lanhei Rd,Kunming 650201,Yunnan,Peoples R China.;;
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Climate Change  Conservation Genetics  Ecological Modelling  Habitat Degradation And Fragmentation  Taxus  Transect Survey  
Subtropical montane evergreen broad-leaved forests ofYunnan, China: diversity, succession dynamics, humaninfluence 期刊论文
Front. Earth Sci. China, 2010, 卷号: 4, 期号: 1, 页码: 22–32
作者:  Cindy Q. Tang
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Succession Pathways  Population Dynamics  Regeneration  Loss Of Soil Nutrients  Habitat Degradation  
Status and conservation of Trigonobalanus doichangensis (Fagaceae) 期刊论文
BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION, 2006, 卷号: 15, 期号: 4, 页码: 1303-1318
作者:  Sun, WB;  Zhou, Y;  Han, CY;  Zeng, CX;  Shi, XD;  Xiang, QB;  Coombes, A
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Conservation  Endangered  Genetic Diversity  Habitat Degradation  Reproductive Barriers DoichA.gensis (A. formA.