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Phylogenetic relationships and generic delimitation of Eurasian Aster (Asteraceae: Astereae) inferred from ITS, ETS and trnL-F sequence data 期刊论文
ANNALS OF BOTANY, 2012, 卷号: 109, 期号: 7, 页码: 1341-1357
作者:  Li, Wei-Ping;  Yang, Fu-Sheng;  Jivkova, Todorka;  Yin, Gen-Shen
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Asteraceae  Astereae  Ets  Eurasian Aster  Generic Delimitation  Infrageneric Classification  Its  Molecular Phylogeny  Trnl-f  
Systematic position of the enigmatic genus Sheareria (Asteraceae)-evidence from molecular, morphological and cytological data 期刊论文
TAXON, 2009, 卷号: 58, 期号: 3, 页码: 769-780
作者:  Gao, Tian-Gang;  Wang, Wei;  Bayer, Randall J.;  Li, De-Zhu
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Astereae  Cytology  Molecular Phylogeny  Morphology  Sheareria