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The abrupt climate change at the Eocene–Oligocene boundary and the emergence of South-East Asia triggered the spread of sapindaceous lineages 期刊论文
Annals of Botany, 2013, 卷号: 112, 页码: 151–160
Sven Buerki; Fe lix Forest; Tanja Stadler; Nadir Alvarez
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Genetics and Genomics of the Brassicaceae 专著
:spinger, 2011
Renate Schmidt
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Cheaters and liars: chemical mimicry at itsfinest 期刊论文
Can. J. Zool, 2010, 卷号: 88, 期号: 0, 页码: 725–752
作者:  N.J. Vereecken;  J.N. McNeil
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Insect Colours and Visual Appearance in the Eyes of Their Predators 专著
:Sciencedirect, 2010
Marc Thery; Doris Gomez,
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London:Island Press, 2009
George W. Cox
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A global test of the pollination syndrome hypothesis 期刊论文
Annals of Botany, 2009, 卷号: 103, 页码: 1471–1480
作者:  Ari Löytynoja;  Nick Goldman
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Medicinal Natural Products A Biosynthetic Approach 3rd Edition 专著
:John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2009
作者:  Paul M Dewick
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Population Genetics 专著
:wiley-blackwell, 2009
作者:  Matthew B. Hamilton
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The evolution of imperfect floral mimicry 期刊论文
PNAS, 2008, 卷号: 105, 期号: 21, 页码: 7484–7488
作者:  Nicolas J. Vereecken;  Florian P. Schiestl
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Orchid Biology: Reviews and Perspectives, X 专著
作者:  Tiiu Kull;  Joseph Arditti;  Sek Man Wong
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