当前检索式 ((ALL:energy sensing))
限定条件 ((收录类别:SCI))
German Federal Minis 2 13.1432.7-001.00) 1 21432010) 1
31470546) 1 985 Project of Pekin 1 American Cancer Soci 1
Asia-Pacific Network 1 Building Effective W 1 CGIAR research progr 1
Carroll-Feist Predoc 1 Chinese Academy of S 1 Chinese Academy of S 1
Consultative Group o 1 European Union (EU) 1 FP7 IRG 1
Ford Foundation in B 1 GIZ/BMZ Projects(08. 1 GTZ/BMZ Making the M 1
German BMZ/GIZ 1 German BMZ/GIZ(13.14 1