当前检索式 ((ALL:Gene Flow))
限定条件 ((语种:英语) AND (作者:151853-000093) AND (作者:151853-000093) AND (作者:151853-000093))
project of science a 2 100 Talents Program 1 31106237 1
31171215 1 31260276 1 31471187 1
81225024) 1 81271330 1 Chinese Academy of S 1
Guangdong Natural Sc 1 Guangdong Province U 1 Hundreds Top Talents 1
Ministry of Science 1 NSFC(81173076 1 National Natural Sci 1
National Natural Sci 1 Natural Science Foun 1 hundreds of talents 1
hundreds top talents 1 open project of Stat 1