当前检索式 ((ALL:Acetoxy Groups))
限定条件 ((出处:PHYTOCHEMISTRY) AND (语种:英语) AND (文献类型:期刊论文))
"Light of West China 1 2009CB940900) 1 2015MDTD16C) 1
21402213) 1 CAS "Light of West C 1 Foundation of Chines 1
Foundation of the Ke 1 Guangxi Key Laborara 1 JSPS [21404009] 1
Ministry of Educatio 1 Ministry of Science 1 Ministry of Science 1
Ministry of Science 1 Minzu University of 1 NSFC-Joint Foundatio 1
NSFC-Joint Foundatio 1 NSFC-Joint Foundatio 1 NSFC-Yunnan Joint Fu 1
National Basic Resea 1 National Basic Resea 1