当前检索式 ((ALL:cell size))
限定条件 ((收录类别:SCI) AND (语种:英语))
CAS Key Laboratory o 1 Deutsche Forschungsg 1 European Regional De 1
European Research Co 1 European Union''s Ho 1 FRISBI[ANR-10-INSB-0 1
Foundation of Scient 1 Foundation of Scient 1 French Agence Nation 1
Friends of the Royal 1 Fundamental Research 1 GRAL Grant[ANR-10-LA 1
German Federal Minis 1 German Research Foun 1 ITC Research Fund fr 1
Innovation Program o 1 Interdisciplinary Re 1 Korber Foundation 1
Large-scale Scientif 1 Major State Basic Re 1