当前检索式 ((ALL:CUP))
限定条件 ((发表日期:2016) AND (作者:151853-000061))
CAS/SAFEA Internatio 2 National Natural Sci 2 31300019) 1
31422001 1 31460015 1 31460048 1
31560011) 1 4. S. MF/51/A.1) 1 4.S.M.F./53/A.2 1
4.S.MF/53/A.3) 1 CGIAR 1 CNPq(Protax 562106/2 1
CNPq-458391/2014-0 1 Chinese Academy of S 1 Chinese Academy of S 1
Conselho Nacional de 1 Conselho Nacional de 1 Coordenacao de Aperf 1
FACEPE(APQ-0788-2.03 1 FACEPE-APQ 0842-2.12 1