当前检索式 ((ALL:GROWTH))
限定条件 ((出处:PHYTOCHEMISTRY LETTERS) AND (语种:英语) AND (专题:植物化学与西部植物资源持续利用国家重点实验室))
"973" Program of Chi 1 21372228) 1 21402212) 1
31560016) 1 973'''' Program of C 1 Applied Basic Resear 1
Applied Basic Resear 1 CAM201302) 1 Candidates of the Yo 1
Central Asian Drug D 1 Conservation and App 1 Foundation of State 1
Guangdong Provincial 1 Innovation Team of t 1 International Founda 1
International Partne 1 Key Disciplines Prog 1 Key Research Program 1
Major Program of CAS 1 Ministry of Science 1