当前检索式 ((ALL:Internal Transcribed Spacer (Its)))
限定条件 ((收录类别:SCI) AND (语种:英语) AND (专题:中国西南野生生物种质资源库))
National Key Basic R 4 1000 Talents Program 1 2014FB168) 1
2014GA003) 1 31570384) 1 Applied Fundamental 1
Applied Fundmental R 1 China Postdoctoral S 1 China Scholarship Co 1
Chinese Academy of S 1 Chinese Academy of S 1 Chinese Academy of S 1
Interdisciplinary Re 1 Joint Fund of the Na 1 Key Program of the C 1
Knowledge Innovation 1 Kunming Institute of 1 Large-scale Scientif 1
Large-scale Scientif 1 Light of West China 1