限定条件 ((收录类别:SCI) AND (语种:英语) AND (专题:资源植物与生物技术所级重点实验室))
Chinese Academy of S 3 German Federal Minis 2 31070337) 1
973 Program [2011CB9 1 973 programs(2014CB9 1 AID-OAA-A-11-0002) 1
Building Effective W 1 CAS ''135'' programm 1 CAS 135 program [XTB 1
CGIAR Research Progr 1 CGIAR research progr 1 Consultative Group o 1
Consultative Group o 1 European Community;S 1 Ford Foundation in B 1
Generalmajor J. F. C 1 German BMZ/GIZ 1 German BMZ/GIZ(13.14 1
German Ministry for 1 German Science Found 1