当前检索式 ((ALL:Ploidy Level))
限定条件 ((收录类别:SCI) AND (发表日期:2015))
Project of Innovatio 2 41030212) 1 973 programs(2014CB9 1
Belgian FRS-FNRS thr 1 Foundation of the St 1 Hundred Oversea Tale 1
Hundred Talents Prog 1 Hundred Talents Prog 1 Hundreds Oversea Tal 1
Key Project of Natur 1 Kunming Institute of 1 NSFC(31270434) 1
National Basic Resea 1 National Natural Sci 1 National Natural Sci 1
National Natural Sci 1 National Natural Sci 1 Natural Science Foun 1
Top Talents Program 1 Top Talents Program 1