当前检索式 ((ALL:LIMITS))
限定条件 ((收录类别:SCI) AND (出处:PLOS ONE))
31370362) 2 National Key Basic R 2 201207002) 1
2014FB168) 1 2378/2) 1 31170024) 1
31170315 1 Applied Fundmental R 1 CAPaBLE grant from t 1
CAS/SAFEA Internatio 1 CGIAR research progr 1 Chongqing Natural Sc 1
Collaborative Innova 1 Deutsche Gesellschaf 1 Deutsche Gesellschaf 1
Friends of the Royal 1 Hundreds Oversea Tal 1 Hundreds Talents Pro 1
IDRC project, Intern 1 Innovation Program o 1