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1. Ethnobotanical studies on medicinal plants used by the Red-headed .. [1242]
2. 云南湿地外来入侵植物图鉴(第1卷) [850]
3. Lingzhilactones from Ganoderma lingzhi ameliorate adriamycin-induc.. [763]
4. Lingzhiols, Unprecedented Rotary Door-Shaped Meroterpenoids as Pot.. [707]
5. Phylogeny and Biogeography of Dendropanax (Araliaceae), an Amphi-P.. [586]
6. Ancient divergence and biogeography of Raukaua (Araliaceae) and cl.. [500]
7. Phylogeny and taxonomy of the Pyrenaria complex (Theaceae) based o.. [497]
8. Identification of Meconopsis species by a DNA barcode sequence: Th.. [478]
9. Phylogeny and biogeography of Asian Schefflera (Araliaceae) based .. [477]
10. Seed Plant Species Diversity and Conservation in the Northern Gaol.. [441]
11. A new species of Rubia (Rubiaceae) from western Yunnan, China [422]
12. 云南金平瑶族医药初探 [409]
13. A phylogenetically informed delineation of floristic regions withi.. [408]
14. Pleurospermum tripartitum sp nov (Umbelliferae) from western Yunna.. [402]
15. Complete Sequencing of Five Araliaceae Chloroplast Genomes and the.. [400]
16. Isolation and Characterization of 21 Microsatellite Loci in Cardio.. [379]
17. Effect of Toona microcarpa Harms Leaf Extract on the Coagulation S.. [377]
18. A new species of Coelogyne (Orchidaceae) from western Yunnan, Chin.. [375]
19. Primula lihengiana (Primulaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China [373]
20. Ligusticum gongshanense sp nov (Umbelliferae) from western Yunnan,.. [367]
21. C-glycosylflavone from Aletris spicata [365]
22. Phylogeny and diversification of Chinese Araliaceae based on nucle.. [364]
24. 中国植物区系新资料 [346]
25. Evolution and biogeographic diversification of the witch-hazel gen.. [343]
26. Molecular authentication of the traditional Tibetan medicinal plan.. [339]
27. Is Remusatia (Araceae) Monophyletic? Evidence from Three Plastid R.. [328]
28. Aletris simpliciflora sp. nov. (Nartheciaceae) from southwest Xiza.. [327]
29. Herbs for medicinal baths among the traditional Yao communities of.. [327]
30. Seed plant phylogenetic diversity and species richness in conserva.. [325]
31. Discovery of newpopulations of the Vulnerable plant Neopicrorhiza .. [316]
32. Using species distribution modelling to improve conservation of me.. [314]
33. A new species of Rubia (Rubiaceae) from western Yunnan, China. [308]
34. 高黎贡山五加科的植物地理学研究 [306]
35. A new species of Hydrocotyle (Umbelliferae) from western Yunnan, C.. [297]
36. Rediscovery of the supposedly extinct Pedicularis humilis in the e.. [297]
37. Pholidota niana (Orchidaceae), a new species from southeastern Yun.. [294]
38. Meconopsis xiangchengensis (Papaveraceae), a New Species from Sich.. [292]
39. Reappraisal of Fosbergia shweliensis (Rubiaceae), a species endemi.. [263]
40. Perrottetia taronensis BMBarthol. & K.Armstr., sp. nov. (Dipentodo.. [259]
41. Validation of Calanthe dulongensis (Orchidaceae) [251]
42. Phylogenetic delineation of regional biota: A case study of the Ch.. [248]
43. Nematicidal sphingolipids from the freshwater fungus Paraniesslia .. [237]
44. A phylogenetic perspective on the evolutionary processes of floris.. [225]
45. A new species of Coelogyne (Orchidaceae) from western Yunnan, Chin.. [221]
46. Finding Lysimachia robusta, a long-lost endemic plant species of C.. [212]
47. Conserving Meconopsis smithiana, a Critically Endangered plant spe.. [171]
48. 植物系统发育区系地理学研究:以云南植物区系为例 [148]
49. Using a mega-phylogeny of seed plants to test for non-random patte.. [126]
50. Phylogenetic relatedness of woody angiosperm assemblages and its e.. [123]
51. Genome Analysesof Single Human Oocytes [120]
52. Current progress and future prospects in phylofloristics. [119]
53. Two New Taxa of Maianthemum (Convallariaceae) from Northwestern Yu.. [118]
54. Current progress and future prospects in phylofloristics [114]
55. Using a mega-phylogeny of seed plants to test for non-random patte.. [97]
56. A new species of Dichocarpum (Ranunculaceae) from northeastern Yun.. [84]
58. Honoring a legend: Celebrating the life and legacy of Professor He.. [71]
59. Morphological and molecular identification for two new species of .. [69]


1. Ethnobotanical studies on medicinal plants used by the Red-headed .. [408]
2. Phylogeny and Biogeography of Dendropanax (Araliaceae), an Amphi-P.. [245]
3. Phylogeny and biogeography of Asian Schefflera (Araliaceae) based .. [197]
4. Lingzhiols, Unprecedented Rotary Door-Shaped Meroterpenoids as Pot.. [155]
5. Phylogeny and taxonomy of the Pyrenaria complex (Theaceae) based o.. [149]
6. 云南金平瑶族医药初探 [148]
7. Ancient divergence and biogeography of Raukaua (Araliaceae) and cl.. [145]
8. A new species of Rubia (Rubiaceae) from western Yunnan, China [134]
9. A phylogenetic perspective on the evolutionary processes of floris.. [132]
10. C-glycosylflavone from Aletris spicata [129]
11. Phylogeny and diversification of Chinese Araliaceae based on nucle.. [128]
12. Primula lihengiana (Primulaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China [125]
13. Seed Plant Species Diversity and Conservation in the Northern Gaol.. [122]
14. Pleurospermum tripartitum sp nov (Umbelliferae) from western Yunna.. [114]
15. Seed plant phylogenetic diversity and species richness in conserva.. [113]
16. Ligusticum gongshanense sp nov (Umbelliferae) from western Yunnan,.. [112]
17. Identification of Meconopsis species by a DNA barcode sequence: Th.. [111]
18. Evolution and biogeographic diversification of the witch-hazel gen.. [109]
20. 高黎贡山五加科的植物地理学研究 [105]
21. Complete Sequencing of Five Araliaceae Chloroplast Genomes and the.. [103]
22. Discovery of newpopulations of the Vulnerable plant Neopicrorhiza .. [101]
23. A new species of Coelogyne (Orchidaceae) from western Yunnan, Chin.. [97]
24. Pholidota niana (Orchidaceae), a new species from southeastern Yun.. [91]
25. Isolation and Characterization of 21 Microsatellite Loci in Cardio.. [91]
26. Molecular authentication of the traditional Tibetan medicinal plan.. [88]
27. Aletris simpliciflora sp. nov. (Nartheciaceae) from southwest Xiza.. [83]
28. Herbs for medicinal baths among the traditional Yao communities of.. [83]
29. 中国植物区系新资料 [82]
30. Lingzhilactones from Ganoderma lingzhi ameliorate adriamycin-induc.. [81]
31. A phylogenetically informed delineation of floristic regions withi.. [80]
32. Finding Lysimachia robusta, a long-lost endemic plant species of C.. [79]
33. A new species of Rubia (Rubiaceae) from western Yunnan, China. [78]
34. Effect of Toona microcarpa Harms Leaf Extract on the Coagulation S.. [77]
35. Using species distribution modelling to improve conservation of me.. [77]
36. A new species of Hydrocotyle (Umbelliferae) from western Yunnan, C.. [75]
37. Is Remusatia (Araceae) Monophyletic? Evidence from Three Plastid R.. [74]
38. Nematicidal sphingolipids from the freshwater fungus Paraniesslia .. [74]
39. Reappraisal of Fosbergia shweliensis (Rubiaceae), a species endemi.. [72]
40. A new species of Coelogyne (Orchidaceae) from western Yunnan, Chin.. [68]
41. Rediscovery of the supposedly extinct Pedicularis humilis in the e.. [64]
42. Validation of Calanthe dulongensis (Orchidaceae) [57]
43. Meconopsis xiangchengensis (Papaveraceae), a New Species from Sich.. [50]
44. Perrottetia taronensis BMBarthol. & K.Armstr., sp. nov. (Dipentodo.. [50]
45. Phylogenetic delineation of regional biota: A case study of the Ch.. [39]
46. Conserving Meconopsis smithiana, a Critically Endangered plant spe.. [33]
47. Phylogenetic relatedness of woody angiosperm assemblages and its e.. [29]
49. Morphological and molecular identification for two new species of .. [13]
50. A new species of Dichocarpum (Ranunculaceae) from northeastern Yun.. [12]
51. Honoring a legend: Celebrating the life and legacy of Professor He.. [6]
52. Genome Analysesof Single Human Oocytes [1]