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茶渍科地衣系统发育及两个关键属的分类研究; Phylogenetic study on the family Lecanoraceae (lichenized fungi) with taxonomy of two key genera
Thesis Advisor杨祝良
AbstractLecanoraceae is the fifth largest family of lichenized fungi, representing different morphologies, diverse substrate types, and a wide distribution. Species of this family are important materials for studying the ecological adaptability of lichens. Based on morphology, chemistry and limited DNA sequences, taxonomy and phylogenetic analyses of the family were carried out by several lichenologists. However, due to lack of enough samples and gene markers in the previous studies, phylogenetic relationships between genera of Lecanoraceae and monophyly of these genera were still unclear. With fresh samples gathered globally and specimens loaned from different herbaria of the world, over 1000 specimens were studied and over 1000 DNA sequences were generated in this work. Based on multi-gene markers, molecular phylogeny of Lecanoraceae and taxonomy of two key genera, Rhizoplaca and Squamarina, were conducted. The main results are summarized as follows. 1. The phylogenetic analyses of Lecanoraceae Phylogenetic study of Lecanorineae was carried out based on the concatenated matrix of internal transcribed spacer 1, 5.8S ribosomal RNA gene, and internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS), large subunit ribosomal RNA gene (nrLSU), the RNA polymerase Ⅱ largest and second subunit (RPB1 and RPB2), and mitochondrial small subunit (mt SSU), focusing on the phylogenetic framework of Lecanoraceae. The results indicated that Lecanoraceae was paraphyletic, the genera Tylothallia and Sedelnikovaea were not even clustered within the suborder Lecanorineae. The genus Miriquidica was closely related to the family Cladoniaceae, and thus should be excluded from Lecanoraceae. The rest groups of Lecanoraceae formed a highly supported clade. The family Lecanoraceae included seventeen well-supported genus-level clades, five of them were not formally named. Among them, three well-sampled clades were erected as new genera in this study, namely Chrysolecanora, Leiodigitatum and Rhizolecania. In Lecanoraceae, Rhizoplaca with seven related genera formed a highly supported main clade. Lecanoropsis was the basal genus of this main clade, while Straminella and remaining genera were clustered together within this lineage. Leiodigitatum, Myriolecis and Protoparmeliopsis formed a highly supported clade that was sister to the clade of Chrysolecanora, Rhizolecania and Rhizopalca. Meanwhile, Myriolecis and Protoparmeliopsis, Rhizolecania and Rhizoplaca, were sister to each other, respectively. Except for these eight genera, the phylogenetic relationships between other genera of Lecanoraceae were still unsettled. Lecanora formosa and Palicella formed a highly supported clade with similar morphology, therefore was proposed to transfer to Palicella. The genus Rhizoplaca was paraphyletic according to its traditional circumscription, however, all species of Rhizoplaca and some species of Lecanora and Squamarina formed a highly supported clade. We proposed to transfer these species to Rhizoplaca and keep
Document Type学位论文
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GB/T 7714
张雁云. 茶渍科地衣系统发育及两个关键属的分类研究, Phylogenetic study on the family Lecanoraceae (lichenized fungi) with taxonomy of two key genera[D],2020.
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