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玉米ZmMPK6抗虫机理与拟南芥中JA合成机制研究; The molecular mechanism study of ZmMPK6 in maize defense against insects and regulation of JA burst in Arabidopsis
Thesis Advisor吴建强
AbstractInsect herbivory is one of the common biotic stresses for plants, and accordingly, plants have evolved sophisticated anti-insect signaling networks, which rapidly activate the biosynthesis and accumulation of defensive metabolites. The pathways mediated by mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) and phytohormone jasmonic acid (JA) are among theearlyactivatedherbivory-induced signaling network, and they play important roles in plant defense against insects.After wounding or herbivory, MPK6 is one of theearliestactivatedsignal, usually within 10 min. Subsequently, MPK6phosphorylatesand activate its downstream components, such as key enzymes and transcription factors involved in insect resistance, thustriggering the plant defense responses. Previously, despite that the functionsand regulatory mechanisms of MPK6 in plant defense against insects have been intensively studied in Arabidopsis, tobacco, tomato, and rice, the corresponding researchon MPK6in maize is missing. Maizeisa staple food cropandis important foranimal feedand used as industrialraw materials worldwide. However,its production is reduced by nearly 20% each year by insect feeding. Uncovering the molecular mechanisms underlying maize defense against insects is critical for understanding the resistance of monocytyledonous plants to insects and the evolution of plant responses to insects, and it is also important for planning new insect control strategies and for breeding new anti-insect maize lines.In the second chapter of this thesis, we performedkinase activity analysis in maize.It is found that the ZmMPK6 in maiz was not only activated by both simulated herbivory and wounding treatment rapidly but also respondedto these two treatments with differentlevels of activity. Furthermore, using reverse genetics, phytohormone and DIMBOA/DIMBOA-Glc quantification, and bioassays analysis, we show that the ZmMPK6 in maize only regulates simulated herbivory-induced ethylene(ET)levels but not those of JA or salicylic acid (SA), which is different from what was found in other species.Furthermore, two defensive metabolites in maize,DIMBOAand DIMBOA-Glcwere also found to be constitutively repressed by ZmMPK6. By performing an ETcomplementation experiment, we further demonstrate that simulated herbivory-induced accumulation of 玉米ZmMPK6抗虫机理与拟南芥中JA合成机制研究IVDIMBOA/DIMBOA-Glc ispartly dependent on ET, and ET is also a negative regulator ofDIMBOA/DIMBOA-Glc biosynthesis.Transcriptomeanalysis revealedthat ZmMPK6 likely mediates benzoxazinoid biosynthesis using different TFs under different conditions, and ZmMPK6 and ethylene signaling also specifically and commonly regulate the transcription of benzoxazinoid biosynthetic genes.Importantly, in the transcriptome, we identifieda MYB transcription factor that islikely located downstream of ZmMPK6-ETsignaling pathway to contr
Document Type学位论文
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GB/T 7714
张翠萍. 玉米ZmMPK6抗虫机理与拟南芥中JA合成机制研究, The molecular mechanism study of ZmMPK6 in maize defense against insects and regulation of JA burst in Arabidopsis[D],2020.
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