KIB OpenIR  > 昆明植物所硕博研究生毕业学位论文
药用植物厚朴四倍体的研发; The research and development of medicinal plants of tetraploid Magnolia officinalis
Thesis Advisor李唯奇
AbstractMagnolia officinalis Rehd. et Wils. belongs to the Magnoliaceae Juss family. The root, bark and fruit of M.officinalis can be used as medicine. The bark of M.officinalis is a traditional Chinese medicine used over two thousand years. The output value of M.officinalis can reach 4000 yuan per Mu. The main active ingredients of M.officinalis include magnolol, honokiol, volatile oil, cineole, etc., among which magnolol and honokiol have anti-tumor, anti-bacterial, anti-ulcer, anti-depression, anti-caries, and skin care effects. Due to its great medicine value, wild M.officinalis has been extensively deforested and its resources and distribution have sharply declined. Moreover, the seed propagation rate of M.officinalis was slow and cutting propagation was difficult. In this study, the tetraploid somatic cells and plants of M.officinalis without chimera were obtained by using the embryogenic cell aggregates (ECAs) with a diameter of 200-100 μm induced by the colchicine with the quality of volume fraction of 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.15%, 0.2% for 24 h, 48 h, 72 h. It was the first time to obtain a homozygous tetraploid cells with the ability to regenerate into a complete plant. The morphological characteristics of cell, embryo, seedling of tetraploid and diploid as well as the contents of magnolol and honokiol were compared. The results of the thesis are as follows: 1. The tetraploid induction rate was 100% under the treatment of 0.2% colchicine for 72 hours; 2. Colchicine affects the viability and regeneration of ECAs; 3. Tetraploid development was slower than that of diploid; 4. The biomass of three-month-old tetraploid aseptic seedling stage was larger than that of diploid; 5. The total content of active ingredient in four-month-old tetraploid aseptic seedling stage was higher than that in diploid; 6. The guard cells of six-month-old tetraploid seedlings transplanted by three-month-old aseptic seedlings were larger and stomatal density was lower than that of diploid. Although tetraploid develops slowly, the biomass of tetraploid in the same growth time is much larger than that of diploid, and the total content of active ingredient in aseptic seedling stage is higher than that of diploid. Due to the limitation of polyploid as raw material medicine according to “Chinese herbal medicine production quality management norms” by state food and drug administration, it’s a long way for tetraploid M.officinalis to use as raw material in Chinese medicine. However, the extraction of monomer (magnolol and honokiol) could be used directly according to the statement. We believe that M.officinalis will have great value in the future due to its better comprehensive characters.
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
高彦粉. 药用植物厚朴四倍体的研发, The research and development of medicinal plants of tetraploid Magnolia officinalis[D],2020.
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